5238 results found
Healthy eating
… you eat and drink. Use the option that works best for you. Getting started with food journaling Start by tracking when, … or group of food or drink. For example, the number of vegetables and fruit you have each day, or the number of glasses of water you drink. The Vegetable and Fruit Tracker at the end of this handout can …
Health topics
… constipation. To avoid constipation: Include fruits, vegetables, beans, and whole grains in your diet each day. … so that your urine is light yellow or clear like water. Get some exercise every day, if possible. Take a fibre … disease. Anxiety . Anxiety and depression often happen together in people who have Parkinson's disease. Some people …
Health topics
… is helping your symptoms. Symptoms that are less likely to get better include problems with walking, balance, and … is helping your symptoms. Symptoms that are less likely to get better include problems with walking, balance, and …
HealthLinkBC files
… trans fat is formed during the processing of vegetable oils. In the past, the main source of industry-made trans fat were partially hydrogentated vegetable oils.These can no longer be added to foods sold in … healthy fat in my diet? At home Cook and bake with vegetable oils, such as olive, canola, or soybean. Use less …
Health topics
… who has overdosed, it is still important to call 9-1-1 and get medical help. Naloxone only lasts from 30 to 90 minutes …
Health topics
… acid goes up to the throat or into the airways, a child may get hoarse or have a lasting cough. Reflux can also cause … acid goes up to the throat or into the airways, a child may get hoarse or have a lasting cough. Reflux can also cause …
Health topics
… foods when your baby: Is about 6 months old. Starts to get curious about foods. Your baby may reach for what you're … uncut grapes, berries, and cherry tomatoes. Honey. Babies shouldn't have honey at all until they're 12 months old. … uncut grapes, berries, and cherry tomatoes. Honey. Babies shouldn't have honey at all until they're 12 months old. …
Health topics
… to make healthy eating a pattern for you. Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits. At meals, try to fill half your plate with vegetables and fruits. And make sure the types you choose have … of colours, textures, and shapes that you enjoy. Choose vegetables and fruits for snacks during the day, too. …
Health topics
… pain). You take medicines while drinking alcohol. You don't get a prescription renewed. You don't take medicine as your … pain). You take medicines while drinking alcohol. You don't get a prescription renewed. You don't take medicine as your …
Health topics
… turn to thumb-sucking for comfort. Make sure your child gets enough sleep and food during this time. Offer plenty of … turn to thumb-sucking for comfort. Make sure your child gets enough sleep and food during this time. Offer plenty of …