2481 results found
HealthLinkBC files
… and meat dishes Cook meats and poultry to an internal temperature of at least 74oC (165oF). Use a meat thermometer … to catch any drips. You can also thaw frozen foods under cold running water, or in the microwave. These methods can … the following food safety practices: Keep hot foods hot and cold foods cold Wash hands before, during and after food …
Health topics
… can be spread by kissing or touching the fever blisters or cold sores around the mouth or nose of a person who has HIV. … Services guidelines for the management of occupational exposures to HIV and recommendations for postexposure … can be spread by kissing or touching the fever blisters or cold sores around the mouth or nose of a person who has HIV. …
HealthLinkBC files
… is tested for safety. All blood donors are screened for exposure to viruses such as HIV and hepatitis. Each blood … rabies vaccine can also be given to prevent rabies before exposure to the rabies virus. The vaccine is recommended, … There is no need to delay getting immunized because of a cold or other mild illness. However, if you have concerns …
Health topics
… for more than 2 days Is the leg or foot blue, very pale, or cold and different from the other one? If the area is in a … about how to loosen it. Yes Leg or foot blue, very pale, or cold and different from other leg or foot No Leg or foot … This can be serious. There are other reasons for colour and temperature changes. Bruises often look blue. A limb may …
Health topics
… No Pain for more than 2 days Is the leg blue, very pale, or cold and different from the other leg? If the leg is in a … got about how to loosen it. Yes Leg is blue, very pale, or cold and different from other leg No Leg is blue, very pale, … This can be serious. There are other reasons for colour and temperature changes. Bruises often look blue. A limb may …
Health topics
… No Pain for more than 2 days Is the arm blue, very pale, or cold and different from the other arm? If the arm is in a … you got about how to loosen it. Yes Arm blue, very pale, or cold and different from other arm No Arm blue, very pale, or … This can be serious. There are other reasons for colour and temperature changes. Bruises often look blue. A limb may …
Health topics
… No Pain for more than 2 days Is the leg blue, very pale, or cold and different from the other leg? If the leg is in a … got about how to loosen it. Yes Leg is blue, very pale, or cold and different from other leg No Leg is blue, very pale, … This can be serious. There are other reasons for colour and temperature changes. Bruises often look blue. A limb may …
Health topics
… asthma attacks during allergy season, when they breathe in cold air, or when they exercise. Others have many bad … a trigger for your child's asthma. Other things like dry, cold air; an infection; or some medicines. Try not to have … ) that cause allergic reactions . Studies show that exposure to allergens such as dust mites , cockroaches, and …
Health topics
… the injury. The knee or lower leg may feel numb, weak, or cold. It may tingle or look pale or blue. Acute injuries … shock No Symptoms of shock Is the leg blue, very pale, or cold and different from the other leg? If the leg is in a … This can be serious. There are other reasons for colour and temperature changes. Bruises often look blue. A limb may …
Health topics
… disease, or some types of cancer. Rashes may appear after exposure to an insect or a parasite, such as the scabies … seborrheic dermatitis . Other causes of rashes include dry, cold weather; extremely hot weather (heat rash); and … Yes Possible fever No Possible fever Did you take your temperature? Yes Temperature taken No Temperature taken How …