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Health topics
… system . For some people, a slow heart rate does not cause any problems. It can be a sign of being very fit. Healthy young adults and athletes often have heart rates of less … pump enough blood to meet the body's needs. This can cause symptoms, such as feeling dizzy or weak. In some cases, …
Health topics
… the nipple (areola) smaller. Sometimes liposuction is used along with surgery. If most of the breast is fatty … to: Feel more comfortable. Large, heavy breasts can cause back and neck pain, skin irritation, and posture … to your height and weight, can be embarrassing. Teens and young adults with large breasts may especially feel …
Health topics
… of ionizing radiation. Over time, radiation exposure may cause cancer and other health problems. But the risk of this … over time, and your age at exposure. In general, the younger you are when you are exposed to radiation, the … had any or as many of these tests. CT scans generally use more radiation than other X-ray tests. The risk of an …
Health topics
… The heart doesn't get enough blood and oxygen, which can cause chest pain. A fast, slow, or uneven heartbeat ( arrhythmia ) develops. In rare cases, this can cause sudden death. The heart doesn't pump blood well, or it … parents or a brother or sister has it or died suddenly at a young age. Talk to your doctor about getting tested. What …
Health topics
… (foreign bodies) inserted into the ear usually do not cause much damage. But objects that are inserted with force … with objects in the ear most often occur in children younger than age 5 and in people who have problems with … or Alzheimer's disease . Some objects in the ear cause more problems than others. An insect or object in the …
Health topics
… all affect your ability to get pregnant. Most healthy young couples are successful after 1 year of trying. Others … you may have several tests to help identify the cause of infertility. Antisperm antibody test Fertility … options other than natural conception, such as adoption or use of a surrogate. You may also have to consider legal and …
HealthLinkBC files
… influenza vaccine is safe. It contains killed influenza viruses or parts of the viruses that cannot cause influenza. Common reactions to the … from about 1 day before to 5 days after symptoms start. Young children and people with weakened immune systems may …
Health topics
… birth control. It is a small, plastic, T-shaped device that uses copper or hormones to prevent pregnancy. The doctor … visit. You may be asked to take a pain medicine such as ibuprofen (Advil or Motrin) 30 to 60 minutes before you come … visit. You may be asked to take a pain medicine such as ibuprofen (Advil or Motrin) 30 to 60 minutes before you come …
Health topics
… pump blood through your lungs. Pulmonary hypertension may cause heart failure . Heart failure means that your heart … medicines or natural health products. Do not take ibuprofen (Advil or Motrin) or naproxen (Aleve) without … medicines or natural health products. Do not take ibuprofen (Advil or Motrin) or naproxen (Aleve) without …
Health topics
… acid regurgitation, sour stomach, or pyrosis. It isn't caused by problems with your heart. But sometimes heart … and non-prescription medicines, such as aspirin, ibuprofen, prednisone, iron, potassium, antihistamines, and … Yes Heartburn No Heartburn How old are you? 3 years or younger 3 years or younger 4 to 11 years 4 to 11 years 12 to …