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6231 results found
Health topics
… active, like a trip to the zoo, a day hike, or camping. Use a safe backpack, stroller, or bike trailer so that … everyone in the family can do. Add more distance gradually. Younger children can ride a bike or a tricycle. You can pull … of "treasures" they can find, such as a red leaf, a blue house, a black dog, or an out-of-province licence plate. Use a …
Health topics
… Blood Transfusion On this page: Health Tools Uses of Blood Transfusion Blood Donation Blood Types Risks … such as through: Injury or major surgery. An illness that causes bleeding, such as a bleeding ulcer . An illness that … may need transfusions. Is a blood transfusion safe? Blood used for transfusions in Canada are very safe and generally …
Health topics
… you might ask include the following: Will I have to use a wheelchair? MS affects how nerves in your brain and … (especially in your hips, legs, or feet), you may have to use a wheelchair during a relapse. More advanced symptoms … not affect your ability to have children, although it can cause some problems with sexual function. New mothers are at …
Health topics
… time (not including time for schoolwork). None for children younger than 2 years footnote 1 One hour or less for … will keep them healthier: Wash your hands each time you use the toilet, after you blow your nose, and before you … Your children likely will get to know others their age who use drugs or alcohol, who smoke, or who take part in …
Health topics
… while sitting . To stretch your calves while sitting down, use a towel. Place your leg out in front of you with your … of you and a wall behind you. If you begin to fall, you may use them for support. Standing in a corner will also work. … To do any of these exercises, stand up straight and use a counter or sturdy chair for support. Start by doing …
Health topics
… (ACEs) are things that happen before adulthood that can cause trauma. Or they're things that make a child feel like … stable. Some examples of ACEs include violence, neglect, abuse, and family mental health or substance use problems. … like a teacher, coach, family friend, or grandparent. Teach younger children that their bodies are their own. For …
Health topics
… be removed immediately. The moist tissue in the nose can cause the battery to release strong chemicals (alkali) quickly, often in less than 1 hour . This can cause serious damage to the sensitive mucous membranes lining … If you or your child has a disc battery in the nose, do not use nose drops or sprays of any type. This can cause the …
Health topics
… about 30 minutes. No-scalpel vasectomy is a technique that uses a small clamp with pointed ends. Instead of using a … or a reversal that didn't work. The sperm can then be used for in vitro fertilization. Both vasectomy reversal and … partner pregnant until your sperm count is zero. You must use another method of birth control until you have a …
Health topics
… to white flakes on the head, neck, and shoulders. What causes it? Dandruff is most often caused by a skin condition called seborrheic dermatitis . It can also be caused by eczema , a fungal infection , or psoriasis . What …
Healthy eating
… greens, like spinach, kale, or arugula, to scrambled eggs. Use pre-washed or pre-cut vegetables to save time. These … breads. Roast a big batch of mixed vegetables that you can use for a few meals. Serve them with a barley pilaf and … chickpeas and tomato sauce; puree and make a soup; or use them as a filling in a wrap. Tips to help you eat more …