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6231 results found
Health topics
… Milk Thistle On this page: Treatment Overview Why It Is Used Risks Treatment Overview Milk … indigestion, and other conditions. It has been widely used in Europe, where it is a common complementary treatment … Canada, it is sold as a natural health product. Why It Is Used There isn't clear evidence from science that taking …
Medical tests
… material. A special type of X-ray, called fluoroscopy , is used to take pictures of the joint. An arthrogram is used to check a joint to find out what is causing your … or problem with your joint. An arthrogram may be more useful than a regular X-ray because it shows the surface of …
Health topics
… and heart disease. Start with small changes first. Use heart-healthy olive or canola oil instead of butter for … instead of 2% milk or whole milk. Pick leaner cuts of meat. Use this topic as a guide for making healthy choices. How can you make healthier choices? Use the following chart as a guide. Options for replacing …
Health topics
… as lactic acid, mandelic acid, and glycolic acid are often used in products to treat acne . These products work by … Skin care products that have AHAs are generally safe to use, but they may cause tingling and a mild redness of the skin. Use them less …
Health topics
… into the nose. It lets the doctor see inside the sinuses. Surgical tools are inserted alongside the endoscope. … (polyps) of the mucous membrane. In some cases a laser is used to burn away tissue blocking the sinus opening. A small rotating burr that scrapes away tissue may also be used. The surgery may be done in a hospital or an outpatient …
Health topics
… stores. The amount of boric acid needed and how long you use it depends on the type of infection you have. Follow the instructions on the package. You may find it easier to use boric acid capsules at bedtime. If you are pregnant, do not use vaginal boric acid treatment. How well does it work? …
Health topics
… Overview Strollers Taking your child out of the house allows your child to have new experiences and … Strap your child in securely so they can't lean out. Use a well-maintained stroller with brakes that are easy to … carts Most injuries from shopping carts involve children younger than 5 years. Broken bones, internal injuries, and …
Health topics
… Mini-Pill On this page: Overview Overview Mini-pills are used to prevent pregnancy. They release a regular dose of a … your period. How well do they work? In the first year of use: When mini-pills are taken exactly as directed , fewer … Barrier methods include condoms and diaphragms. They may cause fewer side effects than combination birth control pills. …
Medical tests
… The following types of dental X-rays are commonly used. The X-rays use small amounts of radiation. Bitewing. These X-rays show … and lower back teeth in a single view. These X-rays are used to check for decay between the teeth and to show how …
Medical tests
… is a type of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan that uses a magnetic field and pulses of radio wave energy to … of the blood vessel walls can be seen. The test is often used to look at the blood vessels that go to the brain, … is placed inside an MRI machine. Contrast material is often used during MRA to make blood vessels show up more clearly. …