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Health topics
… you should not have any side effects from the medicine used to start labour. Ways to induce labor There are several ways to induce labour. Medicine may be used to make the cervix soft and help it thin. Medicine may be used to cause the uterus to contract. A balloon catheter may …
Health topics
… for changes that could lead to cancer. Two tests can be used to screen for cervical cancer. They may be used alone or together. A Pap test. This test looks for … recommendations may not be used in your area. Women younger than 25 If you are in this age group, routine …
Medical tests
… or abnormal positions of chromosome pieces, can cause problems with a person's growth, development, and body … be done to find out whether chromosomal problems may have caused a fetus to be stillborn. Find out the cause of a baby's birth defects or disability. Help determine …
Health topics
… is trichomoniasis (trich)? Trichomoniasis is an infection caused by a parasite. It's spread by sexual contact ( sexually … get trich, but most people don't have symptoms. Trich can cause problems during pregnancy. What causes it? Trich is caused by a parasite . The parasite …
Health topics
… pressure to the wound. If gloves are not available, use many layers of fabric, plastic bags, or whatever you … wound, if possible, and apply pressure to the injured area. Use your bare hands to apply pressure only as a last resort. … not down the back of the throat. Swallowing blood can cause vomiting. Remove any visible objects that are easy to …
Health topics
… are twice as likely as men to have the problem. What causes it? The cause of generalized anxiety disorder is not known. Some … (genetic). Some problems such as hyperthyroidism can cause generalized anxiety symptoms. Some medicines can cause
Health topics
… Overview Overview Insect stings often cause minor swelling, redness, pain, and itching. Most bites … skin may help relieve itching and redness. Note : Do not use the cream on children younger than age 2 unless your doctor tells you to. Do not …
Health topics
… for taking care of yourself. Schedule time for yourself. Use a calendar or planner to set aside specific times for … members or friends for help. Take a break while your child uses community services (such as school programs, social … child's condition so that you will know what to expect. Use exercise, positive self-talk, relaxation, deep …
Health topics
… a faster pace in the middle, and a cool-down at the end. Use a phone app or pedometer to count your steps. Wear it all day. If you want to walk more each day, use it to track your progress. Set a goal. Try to walk at a … short-term goals should be things you know you can do. Use a phone app or a pedometer. Use it every day to count …
Health topics
… Surgery Overview Deep brain stimulation (DBS) uses electrical pulses to stimulate an area of the brain. … the devices that stimulate the brain. Most often, DBS is used to relieve symptoms of Parkinson's disease when they can't be controlled by medicines. But it can also be used for other conditions, such as multiple sclerosis and …