6231 results found
Health topics
… Treatment Overview Hypnosis is a state of focused concentration during which a person becomes less aware of their surroundings. Hypnotherapy is the use of hypnosis to treat physical or psychological … a state of deep relaxation. Some people believe hypnosis causes the brain to release natural substances that affect the …
Health topics
… What does this tool help you learn? This tool can be used to estimate the impact that smoking will have on your … and Prevention (1994). Surveillance for selected tobacco-use behaviors—United States, 1900–1994. MMWR, 43(SS-3): … Chartbook, p. 203. What does your score mean? The damage caused by smoking varies from person to person. This tool uses …
Health topics
… suicide, self-harm, a mental health crisis, a substance use crisis, or any other kind of emotional distress, get … schizophrenia, or a drug or alcohol problem (substance use disorder). Know someone who recently attempted or died … suicide, such as a gun or pills. Have a history of sexual abuse. Have a history of being bullied. Have gone through a …
Health topics
… forks, spoons, knives, and cups that are easy to hold. Use mats and plates that won't slip. And if preparing to eat … Cut or shred the food into small pieces before serving. Use canned or cooked fruits and vegetables that are soft. … meal. If the person has trouble hearing or understanding, use gestures to help you communicate. Make sure that you …
Medical tests
… your throat and esophagus do while you swallow. The test uses X-rays in real time (fluoroscopy) and records what … swallow. A sweet flavour, like chocolate or strawberry, is used to make it easier to drink. Risks The barium in the … thinks you may be at risk for complications, he or she may use a special type of contrast material (Gastrografin) …
Health topics
… not a complete list of antiplatelets. Why are antiplatelets used? Antiplatelets help lower the risk of a heart attack or stroke. Antiplatelets may be used by people who: Are at high risk for a heart attack or … side effects? You may have bleeding or bruising when you use antiplatelets. This could be an emergency. General …
Health topics
… on the beard area, arms, back, buttocks, and legs. What causes it? It may be caused by bacteria. It also can be caused by other organisms, such as fungi or parasites. You may …
Health topics
… Basics What is malaria? Malaria is a disease that causes a fever, chills, and muscle pain. You can get it from a … Symptoms tend to come and go in cycles. Malaria may also cause more serious problems. These include damage to the … But you can do a lot to prevent this infection. What causes it? You get malaria when a mosquito infected with …
Medical tests
… urine. A high level of phosphate in the blood is usually caused by a kidney problem. The amount of phosphate in the … glands, such as the parathyroid glands. The test is also used to find a cause for abnormal vitamin D levels. How To Prepare Tell your …
Medical tests
… Test Overview A salivary gland scan uses a special camera and a tracer (radioactive chemical) to … the salivary glands . This can help your doctor find the cause of dry mouth ( xerostomia ) or swelling in the salivary … Why It Is Done A salivary gland scan is done to: Find the cause of swelling in the major salivary glands. Swelling may …