6231 results found
Health topics
… Aspirin and other antiplatelet medicines. These are used to prevent blood clots. Statins and other medicines. These are used to lower high cholesterol. Beta-blockers and ACE inhibitors, or ARBs. These are used to lower blood pressure and reduce the workload on your …
Health topics
… your doctor assess your child's growth. This tool can be used for children ages 2 through 19. Be cautious if you use this tool or any height and weight charts to assess your … of very small children push their children to eat more because they're concerned about their growth. This can cause …
Health topics
… Menopause: Managing Hot Flashes Actionset Overview A hot flash is … to have hot flashes at some point before or after menopause . Hot flashes happen when estrogen levels drop. You may … or go away after the first or second year after menopause. At that point, estrogen levels usually stay at a low …
Health topics
… It's a sad fact: You have back pain, and you also have housework to do, children to take care of, and errands to run. … or do other chores, bend carefully in a way that doesn't cause pain. When you lift, use your leg and stomach muscles. Try to have these muscles …
Health topics
… baby (fetus) from harmful chemicals. Avoid pesticides, household cleaners, and paint. Fumes from these substances can … to a baby, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy. Use chemical-free cleaning alternatives while you're pregnant. If you must use chemical cleaners, wear gloves, ventilate the area, and …
Health topics
… is infection or inflammation of the vagina . It can cause itching and burning, a change in vaginal discharge, and sometimes pain during sex. What causes it? Vaginitis may be caused by bacteria, yeast, or other organisms. Bath products, …
Medical tests
… to find germs (such as bacteria or a fungus ) that can cause an infection. A sample of sputum is added to a substance … no germs grow, the culture is negative. If germs that can cause infection grow, the culture is positive. The type of … See if treatment is working. How To Prepare Do not use mouthwash before you collect your sputum sample. Some …
HealthLinkBC files
… oils found naturally in animal and plant foods, and those used in cooking, at the table, and added to processed foods. … they contain. For example, butter is a saturated fat because it has mainly saturated fatty acids. Olive oil is an unsaturated fat because it has mainly unsaturated fatty acids. Saturated fats …
Health topics
… Overview What is radon? Radon is a radioactive gas that causes cancer. Radon is found in rock, soil, water, some … any opening where the building contacts the soil. If a house's water supply contains radon, radon may enter the air inside the house through pipes, drains, faucets, or appliances that use …
Health topics
… But it can be more serious for women who are pregnant because it can cause birth defects. To learn more Doctors are quickly … means that the baby's head is smaller than normal. It causes problems in how the baby's brain develops. The Public …