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6231 results found
Health topics
… ROH-zee-uh") is a common skin problem that causes a rash. Although it can occur at any age, it is seen … of 10 and 35. Pityriasis rosea is usually harmless. What causes it? Experts aren't sure what causes pityriasis rosea. … face or genitals. Note: Do not use the cream on children younger than age 2 unless your doctor tells you to. Do not …
Health topics
… than the low-dose birth control pills do. Women who use the patch are slightly more likely to get dangerous blood clots in the legs and lungs than women who use birth control pills. So talk to your doctor about your risks before you use the patch. Things that can increase your risk for a …
Medical tests
… Overview A testicular ultrasound (sonogram) is a test that uses reflected sound waves to show a picture of the … testicles to the prostate gland . The ultrasound does not use X-rays or other types of radiation. A small hand-held … lie on your back on a padded table. Folded towels will be used to cover the penis and lift the scrotum. A gel (such as …
Health topics
… Risks Treatment Overview A laser is a highly focused beam of light. A doctor can use a laser to treat varicose veins . Laser heat damages a … ultrasound screen. Local anesthesia or a light sedative is used. What To Expect You will be able to walk after the …
Health topics
… Peyronie's disease is an abnormal curvature of the penis caused by scar tissue in the erectile tissue. Because the scar tissue prevents straightening of the penis, the … is most obvious during an erection. The curvature may cause pain for the person or their partner, or it may be so …
Health topics
… slow the progression of the disease. A tonometry test is used to measure the pressure in the eyes. The target … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information means that you agree to the Terms of …
Health topics
… to keep warmed-up muscles from shortening and cramping. Use good posture while exercising. Drink plenty of water … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information means that you agree to the Terms of …
Health topics
… Information Overview Some babies bite during teething , because they feel discomfort or pain. The most common symptoms … site of the erupting tooth. Increased saliva, which can cause drooling. Drooling may cause a rash to develop on the chin, face, or chest. Refusing …
Health topics
… getting the bladder to empty all the way. This is because the muscle that helps to retain urine cannot relax. … (Detrol). If these treatments don't help, you may need to use a urinary catheter. This is a thin flexible tube that … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information means …
Health topics
… improve the look of your skin by killing bacteria that cause acne. This means you'll have fewer pimples and redness. … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information means that you agree to the Terms of …