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4279 results found
Health topics
… How does it spread? Mpox is spread through close contact with an infected person or animal. You may get mpox … you can do to avoid getting or spreading mpox. Avoid close contact with people who have symptoms. Try to avoid: … bandages. Wear a mask if you're around others. Avoid close contact with other people and pets until you no longer have …
Health topics
… the schedule is. The names and phone numbers of important contact people at the hospice palliative care program. Post … the schedule is. The names and phone numbers of important contact people at the hospice palliative care program. Post …
HealthLinkBC files
… easily when an infected person coughs, sneezes or has close contact with others. Sharing food, drinks or cigarettes, or … People at high risk of serious illness who are in close contact with someone with pertussis can be given an … of pregnancy, as well as all of their household and daycare contacts. People who have or may have pertussis should not …
Health topics
… East respiratory syndrome (MERS) is spread mainly through contact with infected saliva or droplets from coughing. In general, you need to have close contact to become infected. Close contact includes living with or caring for a person who has …
Health topics
… Lean protein such as all types of fish, poultry without skin, low-fat milk products, and legumes. To work well, your … Lean protein such as all types of fish, poultry without skin, low-fat milk products, and legumes. To work well, your …
… side effects. If you notice other effects not listed above, contact your doctor or pharmacist. In the US - Call your … side effects. If you notice other effects not listed above, contact your doctor or pharmacist. In the US - Call your …
… stop loss of appetite stomach/abdominal pain yellowing eyes/skin dark urine This drug may rarely cause muscle problems … side effects. If you notice other effects not listed above, contact your doctor or pharmacist. In the US - Call your … stop loss of appetite stomach/abdominal pain yellowing eyes/skin dark urine This drug may rarely cause muscle problems …
… side effects. If you notice other effects not listed above, contact your doctor or pharmacist. In the US - Call your … side effects. If you notice other effects not listed above, contact your doctor or pharmacist. In the US - Call your …
… side effects. If you notice other effects not listed above, contact your doctor or pharmacist. In the US - Call your … side effects. If you notice other effects not listed above, contact your doctor or pharmacist. In the US - Call your …
HealthLinkBC files
… syringes or other equipment used for injecting drugs Sexual contact. Evidence shows that the virus is spread more easily … sex HTLV-1 is not spread by ordinary, everyday household contact such as kissing, using the toilet or preparing food. … for the disease to spread, there has to be blood-to-blood contact or unprotected sexual intercourse. Is there any …