4914 results found
… Janssen COVID-19 vaccine may very rarely cause serious (sometimes fatal) blood clots with low platelets usually within 2 … treatment) capillary leak syndrome It is unknown at this time how safe and effective the Janssen COVID-19 vaccine is … without your doctor's approval. It is unknown at this time if the Janssen COVID-19 vaccine interacts with other …
… your pharmacist before you start using dimethicone and each time you get a refill. If you have any questions, ask your … wet your hair before applying. Before using for the first time, screw the dispensing pump onto the bottle and prime … your pharmacist before you start using dimethicone and each time you get a refill. If you have any questions, ask your …
… or pharmacist how to use this product safely. It takes time for hair to regrow. Most people need to use this … skip the missed dose. Use your next dose at the regular time. Do not double the dose to catch up. Storage Store at … or pharmacist how to use this product safely. It takes time for hair to regrow. Most people need to use this …
… a dose, take it as soon as you remember. If it is near the time of the next dose, skip the missed dose. Take your next dose at the regular time. Do not double the dose to catch up. Storage Store at … a dose, take it as soon as you remember. If it is near the time of the next dose, skip the missed dose. Take your next …
Medical tests
… the blood as it goes through the heart and lungs the first time. MUGA scan (multigated acquisition scan). This scan … is designed to attach to your blood cells for a short time. If you are having a multigated acquisition (MUGA) … relieved by applying moist, warm compresses to your arm. Anytime you're exposed to radiation, there's a small chance of …
Medical tests
… down into the scrotum before or soon after birth. But sometimes they do not descend as expected. Having an undescended … can help find testicular cancer at an early stage. Many times this cancer is found during self-examination as a … for comfort, you may want to empty your bladder ahead of time. You will be asked to undress and put on a hospital …
HealthLinkBC files
… quality important? People spend up to 90 percent of their time indoors, at home, school and work. Poor indoor air … released from these materials and gradually decrease overtime. Materials can sometimes release VOCs for several years. For more information, …
Health topics
… are used too often or are not used correctly. Given enough time, bacteria can change so that these antibiotics no … MRSA infections can become serious in a short amount of time, it is important to see your doctor right away if you … are used too often or are not used correctly. Given enough time, bacteria can change so that these antibiotics no …
… diazepam that works, and use it for the shortest possible time. Be sure you know how to use diazepam and what other … withdrawal, especially if you have used it for a long time or in high doses. To prevent withdrawal, your doctor … nausea, or seizures. Withdrawal symptoms may sometimes last weeks to months. Uses This medication is used to …
… pharmacist before you start taking this product and each time you get a refill. If you have any questions, ask your … benefit from it. To help you remember, take it at the same times each day. Do not try to replace this combination … a dose, take it as soon as you remember. If it is near the time of the next dose, skip the missed dose. Take your next …