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4914 results found
Health topics
… medicine schedule. Make sure there's still a convenient time to take your medicine. Always take your quick-relief … medicine. Make it a habit to take your medicine at the same time that you do one of your daily activities, such as when … way that will help you take the right medicine at the right time. You just forget. Put a sign in the bathroom or on the …
Health topics
… blood sugar within your target range because of changes in time zones, meal schedules, and types of foods available. … dose and timing if you will travel across three or more time zones. Stay up to date with airport security rules. … These shots can increase your blood sugar for a short time. Visit your doctor if you take insulin and are …
Health topics
… repaired depends on the type of the tear . Radial tears sometimes can be repaired, depending on where they are located. … tools through small cuts (incisions) in your knee. Sometimes a larger incision is also needed. The surgeon repairs … the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL)—may occur at the same time as a torn meniscus. In these cases, your surgeon will …
Health topics
… or cartridge. When you use an insulin bottle for the first time, write the date on the bottle. Insulin stored at room … dose. Prepare the site Before giving your shot, take the time you need to do the following: Choose the part of your … places on your body each day, use the same site at the same time of day. For example, each day: At breakfast, give your …
Health topics
… You'll be surprised by how spending just a little extra time can save you money. And the more time you spend—in planning, shopping, and cooking—the more … planning: Plan and shop for a week's worth of meals at a time. You're less likely to go out to eat or buy expensive …
Health topics
… school and play. Children who don't get enough sleep over time can have behaviour problems and trouble learning. They … climb out a window while sleepwalking. Children spend more time than teens and adults in a deep stage of sleep that … morning hours when children are dreaming. It may take some time for your child to go back to sleep. Children usually …
Health topics
… packs Acupuncture and/or acupressure Hypnosis However, sometimes women in labour need additional pain relief. Here are … three minutes and lasts one to two hours when given by IV. Time frames may vary depending on the medication. In … report headaches after an epidural. Benefits Used at any time during labour to provide the most effective pain …
Health topics
… you may feel like it's just too much work. There will be times when you just don't feel like testing and tracking … team can help you cope. When you feel sad, give yourself time to adjust to your losses. If you feel overwhelmed, just try to focus on one day at a time. Do the best you can. You don't have to be perfect. …
Health topics
… Practice this breathing method for about 10 minutes at a time, 3 or 4 times a day. Bend forward slightly at the waist. Keep your … Practice this breathing method for about 10 minutes at a time, 3 or 4 times a day. As you get more comfortable doing …
Health topics
… you're going to pass out, stop the exercise and rest. Each time you do this exercise, keep track of your progress by … then breathe out normally. Repeat steps 1 through 5 as many times as your doctor tells you to. Then go to the step 6. … taken the recommended number of breaths, try to cough a few times. This will help loosen any mucus that has built up in …