4914 results found
Health topics
… is called preterm (or premature). Preterm babies are sometimes called "preemies." Multiple pregnancies rarely last for the usual 40 weeks. For twins, the average time to delivery is 35 weeks. For triplets, the average time is 32 weeks. For quadruplets, the average time is 30 …
Health topics
… help you quit for good. Slowly cutting down the number of times you use tobacco in a day and going longer without … It may be hard to keep a reduced rate of smoking over time. Cutting back on how much you smoke Reducing how much … cigarettes with your morning coffee. Slowly increase the time between cigarettes. Smoke only during odd or even …
Health topics
… that bend or twist the wrists for long periods of time. Take frequent breaks from typing or other repetitive … raking, playing racquet sports, rowing) for long periods of time without rest breaks. Avoid holding objects in one position for long periods of time (holding a book or playing cards). Watch your grip. …
Health topics
… treatment. Here are some ideas that may help. Choose a good time to talk. Find a time when the person is not using substances, when you are … use causes. Be ready to take action. Know ahead of time where and how to get help. If the person agrees to get …
Health topics
… move throughout the day. They may be called "on" and "off" times. When the medicine is working and movement is easy, it … over seconds or minutes, and the person may freeze. Sometimes, long muscle spasms cause movement that can't be controlled. This can happen during on or off times. Dyskinesias. Dyskinesias are sudden, random, …
Health topics
… it well—and not in a good way. "I'll never forget the first time I had back pain. I couldn't move. I had to crawl to the … is rarely needed. But most of all, he learned that you need time. "Some people get better fast, but others take a lot of time. That was my case. If you have back pain, do what you …
Health topics
… who have Alzheimer's disease or another dementia are sometimes easily confused. They may forget where they are, what … afternoon and at night. The person gets restless at those times of day. He or she may have trouble sleeping at night. … other activities. Schedule these activities and tasks for times of day when the person is best able to handle them. He …