4914 results found
Health topics
… bring changes to their school day as they learn to find time to care for their illness. But it can also be an … that means learning how to eat the right foods at the right times and get lots of exercise. It can also mean teaching … is to meet your child's daily needs and prepare ahead of time for any problems. The plan includes: Foods your child …
Health topics
… failure. She didn't realize she would need just as much time to recover emotionally. "I was only 52 when I had the … says. "After I got out of the hospital, it took me a long time to be able to even walk a short distance. I was so out of breath, I had to stop three times to sit on the curb while I was trying to go around the …
Health topics
… neck. My shoulders are always up around my ears. A lot of times, I leave at the end of the day with a big headache." … he says. But Jerry used to get headaches a couple of times a week. He and his doctor wanted to find ways to … focuses on all the muscle groups in his body, one area at a time. Guided imagery taught Jerry how to slow his breathing …
HealthLinkBC files
… at around 6 months. All babies need more nutrients at this time, especially iron. Your baby may be ready for solid … and alert. Try and have your baby’s meals at the same time as family meals so that you can eat together as often … amounts of solid food, such as one to 2 teaspoons at a time. Gradually increase the amount based on their appetite. …
Health topics
… they go through big changes. This is an exciting time, full of many varied and rapid changes. Children start … to 18 years Physical changes and puberty Adolescence is a time of rapid growth and of physical changes throughout the …
Medical tests
… NREM and REM alternate through these stages about 4 to 6 times during a night's sleep. A change in this cycle may … This test measures to see if you can stay awake during a time when you are normally awake. If your doctor thinks that … and when you are awake. It helps your doctor learn what times during the day you are active and what times you are …
Health topics
… daily habits. But you don't need to make huge changes. Over time, small changes can make a big difference. Here's how to … big ones. So change your eating habits a little bit at a time. For example, try switching from white rice to brown … flavour, smell, texture, and colour of your food. Take your time when you eat. Avoid distractions, such as screens or …
Health topics
… rhinitis (SAR). A seasonal allergy occurs at the same time each year and is often called hay fever. The most … rhinitis (PAR). A year-round (perennial) allergy occurs any time during the year. The symptoms of a year-round allergy … may be more severe in winter, when people spend more time indoors. The most common causes of perennial allergies …
Health topics
… antibodies. This is called Rh sensitization. Most of the time, this is not a problem the first time you're pregnant. But it could cause problems in future … Women with Rh negative blood will need this shot each time they get pregnant. Chickenpox …
Health topics
… continue to evolve over the next 4 to 5 years. During this time, the child does increasingly complex, sequential, and … age group usually don't fully understand the concept of time. They may know that dinosaurs lived on Earth more than … years ago. But they don't really understand the vast time span between then and now. Still, cognitive skills …