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4916 results found
Medical tests
… may be tired or sore from lying in one position for a long time. If a contrast material is used, you may feel some … for up to 24 hours after the test. During this time, you can give your baby breast milk that you stored … may be tired or sore from lying in one position for a long time. If a contrast material is used, you may feel some …
Health topics
… for 4 to 7 days or as long as 2 weeks after surgery. Sometimes the two parts of the colon or rectum can't be … is permanent. When the two-stage operation is done, the time between operations is usually 6 to 12 weeks. The recovery time after a one-stage operation or after the final …
Health topics
… They may also contain electrolytes and minerals and sometimes protein , vitamins, or caffeine. They come in … a lot during activities that are intense or last a long time. For example, a runner or cyclist in a long-distance … and teens have exercised intensely or for a long period of time. It can help hydrate them and replace electrolytes. …
Health topics
… less contagious. But a person can spread the virus from the time the rash first appears until all scabs have fallen off. … shot later can protect you for an even longer period of time. The shot works even if you don't get it in advance. … less contagious. But a person can spread the virus from the time the rash first appears until all scabs have fallen off. …
Health topics
… anesthesia, so you'll be asleep. But the surgery is sometimes done with regional anesthesia. You'll be sleepy but … Your rehabilitation program (rehab) will start at this time. If you don't have someone to help you at home, you may … need to be patient. Getting better will likely take a long time. And you may never be able to get around as well as you …
Health topics
… people. Many have mild symptoms and slowly get better over time. But some people may not recover. They may be left with … are two therapies used for CRPS. After a period of time, you may move on to more active use of your painful … people. Many have mild symptoms and slowly get better over time. But some people may not recover. They may be left with …
Medical tests
… for 1 to 4 hours. Since your brain makes new CSF all the time and replaces it 2 or 3 times a day, the small amount of fluid that is removed will … tap have a minor nerve injury. This heals on its own with time. Serious nerve injury is very rare. There is also a …
Health topics
… emotional strain. Most adults have tension headaches from time to time, and everyone may have different areas of pain . … care. Call 9-1-1 or other emergency services now. Sometimes people don't want to call 9-1-1 . They may think that …