6350 results found
Health topics
… silicone discs shaped to correct refractive errors . After your doctor tests your vision, he or she will write a … and accurate correction. Improvements in contact lenses have made them more comfortable and easier to wear. Millions … diabetes or hyperthyroidism. Allergies, asthma, and other chronic respiratory disorders may make it difficult to wear …
… that this product is safe, effective, or appropriate for you. This information is not individual medical advice and … consulting your doctor. Your condition may become worse when this drug is stopped. Tell your doctor right away if … breathing problems (such as asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, sleep apnea) current/recent/returning infection (including …
… that this product is safe, effective, or appropriate for you. This information is not individual medical advice and … bleeding. Daily use of alcohol and tobacco, especially when combined with this medicine, may increase your risk for … hydrocodone), alcohol, marijuana (cannabis), drugs for sleep or anxiety (such as alprazolam, lorazepam, zolpidem), …
Medical tests
… Test Overview Using a home blood pressure monitor lets you keep track of your blood pressure at home. Blood … numbers. The first number shows how hard the blood pushes when the heart is pumping. This is the systolic pressure . … These are also called electronic or digital monitors. They have a microphone to detect blood pulsing in the artery. The …
Health topics
… is a toolkit of resources to help persons living with chronic conditions be more physically active. It also has … physical activity for general health and different types of chronic conditions. It also offers resources that support … activity behaviour. The resources within Active For Health have been evaluated to ensure they provide understandable …
… How To Use This Information This is a summary and does NOT have all possible information about this product. This … that this product is safe, effective, or appropriate for you. This information is not individual medical advice and … zanamivir as soon as possible. This medication works best when the amount of medicine in your body is kept at a …
Health topics
… be caused by a lack of sunlight. Lack of light may upset your "biological clock," which controls your sleep-wake pattern and other circadian rhythms . Lack of … depressed during the same season and have gotten better when the seasons changed for at least 2 years in a row. You …
Health topics
… With heavy menstrual periods (also called menorrhagia), your bleeding may be heavier or last longer than normal. You … to ease your symptoms and make sure that you don't have a serious condition. What causes them? A number of … as a polyp or fibroid . Adenomyosis . This condition occurs when the cells that normally line the uterus grow into the …
Health topics
… using laparoscopic surgery. This type of surgery works best when it's done by a surgeon who has experience doing it. If … If open surgery (which requires a large incision) is done, you will most likely spend several days in the hospital. … likely be in the hospital for only 2 to 3 days. You will have less pain after surgery. That's because there is no …
Health topics
… crosses inside the centre of the knee joint. It connects your thigh bone to the bone of your lower leg. The PCL keeps your knee stable when it moves forward or backward. A direct blow to the knee … And it might be harder to move your knee. You may also have bruising and an unstable feeling, like the knee may …