6350 results found
Health topics
… spread pressure: Change positions at least every 2 hours if you are confined to a bed. Change as often as every 15 … getting too dry. Dry skin is more easily damaged. If you have problems with bowel or bladder control, clean your skin … injuries do not need any pain medicine. Some need it just when the sore is being treated, and some need it on a …
Health topics
… out of nowhere. Her first bout with severe depression came when she was living in Alberta and had taken a year off from … to find one that worked. Some of them made Susan too sleepy to function. "If the kids didn't need me, I was in … I'd be alive if I hadn't made that choice," she says. "When you're fully enmeshed in [severe] depression, all the things …
Health topics
… Basics What are seasonal allergies? Allergies occur when your body's defence system (immune system) overreacts to … dander, and mould. Your allergies are seasonal if you have symptoms just at certain times of the year. In that …
Health topics
… Overview Sudden heart failure occurs when heart failure gets worse very quickly. Your heart suddenly cannot pump as much blood as your body … This may cause you to: Feel short of breath even at rest. Have swelling (edema), especially in your legs, ankles, and …
Health topics
… Healthy Eating: Changing Your Eating Habits Actionset Overview Healthy eating will help you feel your best and have plenty of energy. And it is one of the best things you … smell, texture, and colour of your food. Take your time when you eat. Avoid distractions, such as screens or books, …
Health topics
… should include: Crying and fussing periods. Who was present when the baby was crying? What comfort measures were used? Was the baby being held when the crying began? Sleeping periods. Was the baby sleeping alone or in the … burped? Did the baby spit up or vomit after a feeding? If you are breastfeeding, the health professional will want a …
Health topics
… causes. They may include: An opportunistic infection . If you lose weight fast, it may be because you have another infection along with HIV. Problems with … body may not be able to turn your food into muscle tissue. When you lose weight, you lose muscle, fat, or both. …
Health topics
… in the summer months than in the winter months. Infants, young adults, and males are most likely to get the … usually is not spread from person to person. Some people have become infected through contact with the infected stool … These kinds of drinks should not be used to rehydrate. When you feel like eating again, start with small amounts of …
Health topics
… Normal soreness or pain usually occurs for about a minute when the baby first latches on to the breast. Pain that is … ("hanging out") without a proper latch after falling asleep at the breast. Pulling the baby's mouth away from the … called "tongue-tie." Before and during breastfeeding If your doctor says it is okay, take acetaminophen (such as …
Health topics
… and how severe it is. Allergic rhinitis is: Intermittent if you have symptoms fewer than 4 days a week or fewer than 4 … more weeks a year. Mild if your symptoms do not affect your sleep, daily activities, and work or school. You have no … according to the kind of allergens a person reacted to and when the reactions occurred. Seasonal allergic rhinitis …