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6350 results found
Health topics
… Preventing Choking in Small Children Actionset Overview Young children can easily choke on food and everyday … for choking hazards. Food To prevent choking, use care when you select and prepare food. Do not give round, firm … riding in a car, or playing. Don't force your child to eat when they aren't hungry. Know the kinds of foods that can be …
Health topics
… eruption? Seabather's eruption is a rash that occurs when a swimmer is stung by marine life larvae. The condition … and a general feeling of illness (malaise). How can you care for yourself? Home treatment for seabather's … the doctor first. Use an ice pack. This can help relieve pain. Keep the rash clean. Wash it every day with soap and …
Health topics
… in babies and children? Gastroesophageal reflux happens when food and stomach acid flow from the stomach back into … a one-way valve between the esophagus and the stomach. When your child swallows, the valve lets food pass into the … may cry, act fussy, or have trouble eating. They may not sleep well or grow as expected. An older child or teen may …
Health topics
… Take a warm bath and do some stretching exercises before you go to bed if cramps wake you at night. Avoid pointing your toes while you stretch. Try not to sleep with your toes pointed. Keep your legs warm while … during, and after you are active. This is very important when it's hot out and when you do intense exercise. You can …
Health topics
… What are boils? Boils are red, swollen, painful bumps under the skin. They often look like an … become large and cause severe pain. How are they treated? You can sometimes care for a boil at home. Do not squeeze, … area well. Do not wear tight clothing over the area. If you have many boils, your doctor may prescribe a cream or …
Health topics
… PTSD and Your Family On this page: Overview … understand PTSD. They may not always know how to respond when they see you hurting. They may feel scared, sad, … rest. Take naps if you feel like you're not getting enough sleep at night. Talking with your family about how you feel. …
… How To Use This Information This is a summary and does NOT have all possible information about this product. This … that this product is safe, effective, or appropriate for you. This information is not individual medical advice and … consulting your doctor. Some conditions may become worse when the drug is suddenly stopped. Your dose may need to be …
Health topics
… an injured nail will cause a black or purplish appearance. You may need to have the blood drained from under the nail. The black … away on their own without any treatment. Yellow nails occur when the nail separates from the nail bed (onycholysis) …
… How To Use This Information This is a summary and does NOT have all possible information about this product. This … that this product is safe, effective, or appropriate for you. This information is not individual medical advice and … Ask your doctor or dentist for specific instructions about when to stop and when to restart treatment with this …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview If you have heart failure , symptoms start to happen when your heart cannot pump enough blood to the rest of your … and causes shortness of breath. Shortness of breath while sleeping. Some people with heart failure wake up in the …