6352 results found
Health topics
… out. WARNING : Do not try the Heimlich manoeuvre unless you are sure the person is choking. If the person can cough … let the person cough to try to get the object out. If you are worried about the person's breathing, call 9-1-1 . … sounds, then: Stand or kneel behind the person and wrap your arms around their waist. If the person is standing, …
Health topics
… Charting Your Basal Body Temperature On this page: Overview Overview You can use these instructions if you are using a thermometer that measures your temperature …
Health topics
… Bullying: How to Help Your Child Who Bullies On this page: Overview Overview It can be hard to accept that your child may be bullying other children. But once you recognize the problem, you can help solve it by helping …
Health topics
… this page: Overview Overview Many medicines change how well your body can stay cool. They include: Some antidepressants. … diethylamide) can also cause problems. They affect how well you can sense dehydration or heat-related symptoms. They also make you less able to judge whether you need treatment for a …
Health topics
… Last updated August 14, 2013 You may choose choose to express breast milk by hand – which … does take practice. Here's a useful video to help you with the basics! To learn more, you can read our article about Getting started on expressing …
Health topics
… homes, especially in inner-city areas. Here are some steps you can take to remove cockroaches from your home: Clean often. Pay special attention to carpets, … water out overnight. Clean up food spills right away. Keep your house dry. Increase ventilation to get rid of moisture. …
Health topics
… problems. Pulmonary fibrosis usually gets worse over time. You can't undo the damage to your lungs. But you can take steps to prevent more damage and feel better. …
Health topics
… Use the chart below to keep track of how much activity you are getting. Include not only long walks or workouts, but also anytime you do something extra, like taking the stairs instead of … 1. 2. 3. Make a new chart each week and compare your results. The time spent each day and the intensity …
Health topics
… such as cocaine or amphetamines, also can cause changes in your heart rate or rhythm. If changes in your heart rate or rhythm occur following the start of a new … may need to be stopped, changed, or the dose adjusted. If you are taking a non-prescription medicine, stop taking the …
Health topics
… redness, and peeling of the skin. It may also increase your sensitivity to sunlight and make you more likely to get sunburned. Be sure to protect your skin from exposure to the sun (or any other source of …