6359 results found
Health topics
… Overview An asthma action plan is based on zones defined by your symptoms, your peak flow , or both. It tells you what to do if you have a sudden increase in your asthma symptoms ( asthma attack ). You are in the red …
Health topics
… and a mineral. It helps keep the right mix of fluids in your body. It also helps keep your heart beating normally and your nerves and muscles working as they should. What causes …
Health topics
… Program On this page: Overview Overview Your cardiac rehabilitation (rehab) might include an … hospital. The home program can be one part, or phase, of your cardiac rehab. The goals of a home program include: … a smooth transition from hospital to home. Taking care of yourself after you leave the hospital. Getting stronger and …
Health topics
… Overview Talking with family members about what you want at your funeral is important. Think about the things you want for your funeral. For example: Do you prefer burial to … and no viewing? What special requirements, if any, does your religion require? Do you want flowers at your funeral …
Health topics
… This is a band of tissue that runs down the outside of your thigh. It connects the side of your hip to the side of your knee. It helps keep your knee and hip stable and in …
Health topics
… buildup of fluid in the abdomen. The extra fluid can cause your belly to swell and make it hard to breathe. Ascites can … Have severe ascites that is causing extreme discomfort, including belly pain and trouble breathing. A one-time … Have severe ascites that is causing extreme discomfort, including belly pain and trouble breathing. A one-time …
Health topics
… Even if you're careful and do all the right things, your child can have problems with low or high blood sugar. Teach your child to be aware of the symptoms and what to do if … blood sugar include: Sweating. Feeling weak and hungry. But your child's symptoms may be different. Low blood sugar …
Health topics
… and physical activity later in life. Things that increase your risk for osteoporosis include: Your age. Bones naturally become thinner as you get older. … as hyperparathyroidism or an eating disorder, can increase your risk for osteoporosis. Having certain surgeries, such …
Health topics
… that help blood clot. If you don't have enough of them, your blood can't clot well. That means it's harder to stop … What causes it? You may have low platelets because your bone marrow doesn't make them. Or your body's defences (immune system) may destroy them. …
Health topics
… learning biofeedback, you may have sensors attached to your body and to a monitoring device. This provides instant feedback on a body function (for example, your skin temperature). The biofeedback therapist may teach … change in that body function. (For instance, you may raise your skin temperature or reduce muscle tension). With …