6359 results found
Health topics
… with diarrhea. You can become infected if you do not wash your hands after contact with these feces. Reptiles, baby … after handling them. Consider not having reptiles (including turtles) as pets, especially if you have small … after handling them. Consider not having reptiles (including turtles) as pets, especially if you have small …
Medical tests
… there's nothing you have to do before this test, unless your doctor tells you to. If you are taking any medicines, … anti-inflammatory medicines such as prednisone, talk to your doctor. Anti-inflammatory medicines may change the way your biopsy looks under the microscope. If you take aspirin …
Health topics
… natural health product, in topical creams that you apply to your skin, or in a prescription skin patch. Why It Is Used … use), it may help relieve pain from: Pain disorders, including pain after surgery. Nervous system problems such … natural health products in Canada. Natural health products, including capsaicin, must be reviewed and approved by the …
Health topics
… a hard time fighting the virus. It also means that anyone, including those who are otherwise very healthy, can get … lung problem that can be deadly. How is it diagnosed? If your doctor thinks that you may have bird flu, your doctor … organizations are studying and keeping track of bird flu, including what is being done to prevent its spread. Their …
Health topics
… is the only known genetic (inherited) factor that increases your risk of developing COPD. What puts you at risk for alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency? Your doctor may suspect you have an AAT deficiency if you: … smoking history of less that 20 pack years. (To figure out your pack years, multiply how many packs a day on average …
Medical tests
… are similar to those of many other illnesses. If you and your doctor think you have Lyme disease, your doctor will do a careful medical history and physical … in a blood test. Once formed, antibodies usually stay in your system for many years, even after successful treatment …
Health topics
… allergies is a series of allergy shots given to reduce your sensitivity to allergens that cause an allergic … skin. Over time, allergy shots can reduce the severity of your reaction to allergens. To treat allergies to insect … 8 weeks over the next 3 to 5 years. footnote 1 Depending on your situation, your doctor may recommend rush immunotherapy …
Health topics
… to redirect blood flow around blocked blood vessels in your belly or groin area. The surgery is done to increase … in the belly to the legs. The doctor will make a cut in your belly. The doctor will also make a cut in your groin at the top of each thigh. These cuts are called …
Health topics
… you make wise health decisions or take action to improve your health. Actionsets are designed to help people take an … Prev Next > slide 2 of 6, Insert the needle., Keeping your fingers off the plunger, hold the syringe like a pencil … to give the medicine. Hold the nasal spray device between your thumb and forefingers. Put the tip of the device into …
Health topics
… may stay in the hospital overnight. And in some cases, your doctor may recommend that you stay in the hospital. … in the eye. You will probably have a checkup with your eye specialist the day after surgery. Any activity that … from the eye. These problems can increase the pressure in your eye even more and increase the risk of infection. …