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Health topics
… Record On this page: Overview Overview Your doctor may ask you to keep a record of your child's temper tantrums before you bring your child in for a physical examination. It's a good idea …
Health topics
… is endurance fitness. This is any activity that uses your body’s large muscle groups and helps you have a … activities. Be sure to choose exercises that are right for your health, medical condition, fitness level, and fitness … to a moderate level of intensity. This means raising your heart rate and causing you to sweat and breathe more …
Health topics
… or in the hospital. Where you have it depends on how severe your pre-eclampsia is. Expectant management at home If you … baby's movements. Keep a written record of your results, including the dates and times you checked. Frequent prenatal … baby's movements. Keep a written record of your results, including the dates and times you checked. Frequent prenatal …
Health topics
… A basic metabolic panel is a blood test that measures your sugar (glucose) level, electrolyte and fluid balance, … in balance. They also help keep your body working normally, including your heart rhythm, muscle contraction, and brain … in balance. They also help keep your body working normally, including your heart rhythm, muscle contraction, and brain …
Health topics
… take several months to subside. Try to avoid heavy use of your hand for up to 3 months. How soon you can go back to … the scar. There are also the risks of any type of surgery, including possible infection and risks of general … the scar. There are also the risks of any type of surgery, including possible infection and risks of general …
Health topics
… and low-fat dairy products. Protein may interfere with how your body absorbs levodopa. This can make the effects of the medicine less predictable. It may be helpful to spread your protein intake evenly throughout the day. It is also recommended that you take your levodopa 30 minutes before or 1 hour after you eat a …
Health topics
… or delay treatment and its side effects. If test results, including the Gleason score from your prostate biopsy, show this is an option for you, talk … or delay treatment and its side effects. If test results, including the Gleason score from your prostate biopsy, show …
Health topics
… it for just the first week or so since longer use can dry your skin and make the rash worse. Try not to scratch … and topical anesthetics like Lanacane. Severe rash See your doctor if: The rash covers a large area of your body. Your symptoms are severe. Your doctor may treat …
Health topics
… Muscular strength and endurance are two important parts of your body’s ability to move, lift things and do day-to-day … and endurance are important for many reasons: Increase your ability to do activities like opening doors, lifting … and bones. Improve confidence and how you feel about yourself. Give you a sense of accomplishment. Allow you to …
Health topics
… Overview Many prescription and non-prescription medicines, including some that you put directly on the skin, may cause … (for example, Advil or Motrin). Medicines you put on your skin (topical medicines), such as Neosporin or … Overview Many prescription and non-prescription medicines, including some that you put directly on the skin, may cause …