6360 results found
Medical tests
… Test Overview A tonometry test measures the pressure inside your eye, which is called intraocular pressure (IOP). This … eye. Tonometry measures IOP by recording the resistance of your cornea to pressure (indentation). Eyedrops to numb the surface of your eye are used with most of the following methods. …
Health topics
… But you can take steps to avoid power struggles, give your child a sense of control, and make taking medicines a bit easier for everyone. Avoid power struggles. If your child refuses a medicine, take a moment to pause. Stay calm, take a deep breath, and plan your next steps. Show your child that you're both on the …
Health topics
… and techniques can help you be more successful. Before your baby is born, take classes, read books, and watch … breastfeeding techniques. If you have concerns about your ability to breastfeed, talk to a lactation consultant while you are pregnant. After your baby is born, it is helpful to have one-on-one …
Health topics
… ways to wean. Gradual weaning happens over time. It lets your baby have more control over when to stop breastfeeding. … happens all at once. Which style you use will depend on your preferences, why you plan to wean, and how often your baby breastfeeds. Gradual weaning One way to let a baby …
Medical tests
… Overview A ventriculogram is a test that shows images of your heart. The images show how well your heart is pumping. The pictures let your doctor check the health of the lower chambers of your …
Health topics
… affections, argumentative, and at times even hurtful. As your teen struggles with becoming independent, it is natural for them to detach from you at times. Remember that your teen still needs you. Although your teen may not ever let on, your unconditional love and …
Health topics
… who is grieving. Here are some ideas that may help. Teach your teen about the grieving process. Teens may need help … between normal feelings and feelings of grief. Reassure your teen that grief is normal. Make time to listen to your teen. When a teen wants to talk, give your undivided …
Health topics
… Breathing Techniques for Childbirth On this page: Overview Overview As your due date draws nearer, learn and practice controlled … for pain management during childbirth. Concentrating on your breathing can help distract you from pain, relax both …
Health topics
… feel temperature, touch, pain, or sharpness on one side of your body. This may lead to injuries such as: Cuts and scratches. These can happen if your nails aren't kept short and smooth. For example, if you can't feel sensations in your feet, you won't know if your toenail is cutting into …
Health topics
… of the leg. In a few people, it shifts toward the inside. Your knee joint is a complex hinge that joins the two bones … A feeling of popping, grinding, slipping, or catching in your kneecap when you bend or straighten your leg. A feeling that your knee is buckling or giving …