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4478 results found
Health topics
… You will receive information and tools to have a heart-healthy lifestyle, such as: Not smoking. Healthy eating. Staying at a healthy weight or losing weight if you need to. Being …
Health topics
… do a physical examination and ask questions about your past health. You may need certain tests, such as an ultrasound, … descent. There is no simple reason why. Less access to good health care and differences in how patients are listened to and treated are part of it. Other health, economic, and social issues, including racism, also …
Health topics
… such as ibuprofen. People who have serious, long-term health problems, such as chronic kidney disease, are more … injury if: You are an older adult. You have a long-term health problem such as kidney or liver disease, diabetes, … Older people and those who are very sick from other health problems may not get better. People who die usually …
Health topics
… more active, or doing something else to improve your health—congratulations! Making that decision is the first … Maybe you want to quit smoking so that you can avoid future health problems. Or maybe you want to eat a healthier diet so you can lose weight. If you have high …
Health topics
… for certain foods, like sugars or carbs. Keep simple, healthier snacks or gum on hand that will help you get past … would be rewarding for you? What celebrates your better, healthier life—extra time to yourself, a movie or show, or … it time. Alcohol: Drinking and Your Health Drug Use and Your Health Healthy Eating Quitting …
Health topics
… a physical examination and ask about your symptoms and past health. The doctor will ask about your family's health. You'll have tests to find what is causing your … Blood pressure medicine. Cholesterol medicine. A heart-healthy lifestyle also helps lower your chance of a heart …
Health topics
… can be treated with counselling or medicine, or both. Healthy thinking also can help prevent or control … you need to see your doctor or therapist right away. Healthy thinking can help with depression. But you may also … your thinking will take some time. You need to practice healthy thinking every day. After a while, healthy thinking …
Health topics
… artery bypass surgery along with medical therapy (a heart-healthy lifestyle and medicines). Don't have coronary artery … what you choose, you still take medicines and have a heart-healthy lifestyle. This decision is for people who have … narrowed, how many are narrowed, and whether you have other health problems such as diabetes. Most of the time, bypass …
Health topics
… whether you take aspirin or not. They include eating healthy foods, getting regular exercise, staying at a healthy weight, not smoking, and managing other health problems that increase your risk, such as high blood …
Health topics
… Depression Current as of: October 20, 2022 Author: Healthwise Staff Medical Review: Patrice Burgess MD - Family … - Family Medicine Christine R. Maldonado PhD - Behavioral Health Current as of: October 20, 2022 Author: Healthwise Staff Medical Review: Patrice Burgess MD - Family …