5264 results found
Health topics
… PCNs link family practices and other primary care clinics together with health authorities and other health … care provider, register on the Health Connect Registry to get matched with a family doctor or nurse practitioner in …
Health topics
… and catfish. Carbohydrate from whole grains, fruits, vegetables, legumes (peas, beans, and lentils), low-fat milk … Folic acid (or folate) is found in foods such as liver, vegetables (especially spinach, asparagus, and Brussels … nuts, beans, raisins, whole grain bread, and leafy green vegetables. Even if you have good eating habits, you will need …
Medical tests
… rate that speeds up when the baby moves means the baby is getting enough oxygen. Why It Is Done A non-stress test is … the third trimester. Sometimes a non-stress test is done together with a fetal ultrasound. This is called a biophysical … rate that speeds up when the baby moves means the baby is getting enough oxygen. Why It Is Done A non-stress test is …
Health topics
… independently: Set aside time for the family to sit down together for meals. Make sure your child is in a comfortable … have problems feeding your baby or don't think he or she is getting enough nutrition to grow properly, talk with a … independently: Set aside time for the family to sit down together for meals. Make sure your child is in a comfortable …
Health topics
… to use a reward system (motivational therapy), drink most fluids in the morning and afternoon, and use the toilet … try to "beat the buzzer." When the alarm sounds, the child: Gets out of bed and turns off the alarm. Goes to the toilet … to use a reward system (motivational therapy), drink most fluids in the morning and afternoon, and use the toilet …
Health topics
… And this can raise your risk of having a heart attack. Getting help from your doctor Many people wonder if their … And this can raise your risk of having a heart attack. Getting help from your doctor Many people wonder if their …
Medical tests
… is a procedure your doctor uses to see images and get information about your child's heart and blood vessels … is a procedure your doctor uses to see images and get information about your child's heart and blood vessels …
Health topics
… about dieting and weight. Are you always on a diet? Do you get upset or anxious if you miss a workout? Remember that … about dieting and weight. Are you always on a diet? Do you get upset or anxious if you miss a workout? Remember that …
Health topics
… on a clothesline. Mould Mould may cause allergies that get worse in damp weather. Mould also produces spores that … on a clothesline. Mould Mould may cause allergies that get worse in damp weather. Mould also produces spores that …
Health topics
… infection, apply a clean bandage whenever your bandage gets wet or soiled. If a bandage is stuck to a burn, soak it … infection, apply a clean bandage whenever your bandage gets wet or soiled. If a bandage is stuck to a burn, soak it …