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5264 results found
Health topics
… partly or completely blocked. The blockage prevents food, fluids, and gas from moving through the intestines in the … In the hospital, your doctor will give you medicine and fluids through a vein (I.V.). To help you stay comfortable, … drink. Most bowel obstructions are partial blockages that get better on their own. The NG tube may help the bowel …
Health topics
… has not slowed or stopped, continue direct pressure while getting help. Do all you can to keep the wound clean and … has not slowed or stopped, continue direct pressure while getting help. Do all you can to keep the wound clean and …
Health topics
… without feeling cold. Make sure that your baby doesn't get too warm. Your baby is likely too warm if they sweat or … without feeling cold. Make sure that your baby doesn't get too warm. Your baby is likely too warm if they sweat or …
Health topics
… within a couple of weeks. Downy hair on forehead, cheeks, shoulders, and back. This is especially common in babies who … the baby during birth. Some babies may even have some milky fluid come out of the nipple. Baby girls may have … baby develops bald spots. Mild skin conditions. Many babies get small pimples on the face. The pimples may appear during …
Health topics
… as certain lung diseases, can cause the right ventricle to get weaker and not pump blood as well as normal. Causes of … as certain lung diseases, can cause the right ventricle to get weaker and not pump blood as well as normal. Causes of …
Health topics
… ask if the person wants to be shaved in a certain way. Getting ready Start by collecting the supplies you need. You … ask if the person wants to be shaved in a certain way. Getting ready Start by collecting the supplies you need. You …
Healthy eating
… can take Dips, salad dressings and sauces Take a fruit or vegetable platter with low calorie dip as a contribution to … soak up fatty drippings from the chicken or turkey. Make vegetables, grains, and salads the focus of your menu rather … and replace the rest of the fat with mashed fruit or vegetable (applesauce, pumpkin). Keep servings of high fat …
Medical tests
… neck is an X-ray test that uses a special dye and camera ( fluoroscopy ) to take pictures of the blood flow in the … Arrange to have someone take you home, because you may get a sedative before the test. If you stay overnight in the … a vein in your arm so your doctor can give you medicine or fluids if needed. A device called a pulse oximeter, which …
Health topics
… bursitis? Bursitis is an inflammation of small sacs of fluid (bursae) that help joints move smoothly. Olecranon … injury, such as a blow to the elbow, causing bleeding or fluid buildup Infection caused by any of the following: An … or remove the bursa. Sometimes the fluid in the bursa can get infected. If this happens, you may need antibiotics. …
Health topics
… ways or activities that help calm your mind and soothe you. Get support from those you trust and love. If you're having … ways or activities that help calm your mind and soothe you. Get support from those you trust and love. If you're having …