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Health topics
… other ways of doing your activities—ways that don't cause pain or make other symptoms worse. Other therapies like heat, ice, and massage. Your therapist also may use other techniques to help relieve your symptoms and keep … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information means …
Health topics
… emission tomography, also called a PET scan. Doctors use SPECT to: Diagnose a person who has symptoms of heart … heart from different angles. Then, computer graphics are used to create three-dimensional images of your heart. For … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information means …
Health topics
… on the size of the area treated.) Why It Is Done Surgery is used to remove warts that return after other treatments. It also may be used when warts are widespread. A single treatment may be … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information means …
Health topics
… Phlebectomy (say "fluh-BEK-tuh-mee") is a procedure used to remove varicose veins. Your doctor will make several … usually doesn't lead to other problems. But it might cause short-term skin colour change, infection, pain, and tiny … varicose veins when the leg veins aren't working well. Because that's the case for most varicose veins, this procedure …
Health topics
… contact with dangerous chemicals, including some common household and lawn products; biological agents such as anthrax … hands with soap and water, and then remove your contacts. Use soap and water to wash any areas of your skin that may … mean your whole body. A shower works best, but you can also use water from a faucet, a garden hose, or another source. …
Health topics
… From Food or Water On this page: Cause Prevention Symptoms Examinations and Tests Treatment … of E. coli , and most of them are harmless. But some can cause bloody diarrhea. Some strains of E. coli may also cause severe anemia or kidney failure, which can lead to …
Health topics
… save time at the store, and save money. Menu planning tips Use the menu planner and grocery list shown below as you … on your grocery list as well. Now fill in foods that you use to make breakfasts, lunches, and snacks, such as eggs, … You can even save some of the menus and grocery lists and use them again in a few weeks. Menu planner Plan your meals …
Health topics
… to roll out of bed and go right to work. The time you used to spend commuting could be used as a transition to start your day. Get some fresh air, … Try scheduling 10-minute breaks throughout the day. Use the time to stretch, go for a walk, or check in with …
Health topics
… (ACEs) are things that happen before adulthood that can cause trauma. Or they're things that make a child feel like … stable. Some examples of ACEs include violence, neglect, abuse, and family mental health or substance use problems. ACEs screening is a quick way for a doctor to …
Health topics
… Poor let-down reflex . The mother's limited milk supply because of tobacco use, moderate to heavy alcohol use, or certain types of medicines. Keeping a strict …