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6202 results found
Health topics
… Insomnia On this page: Health Tools Cause Symptoms What Happens Examinations and Tests Treatment … common sleep problem that affects your daily life. It can cause you to have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep. … problems may come and go, or they may be ongoing. What causes it? Insomnia is linked to many things. These include …
Health topics
… to a public bank instead. You probably won't be able to use the blood, but it could be used for research or for another child. Private cord blood … at the last minute. Collecting the cord blood does not cause pain. FAQs What is umbilical cord blood? Cord blood is …
Health topics
… body that was damaged by trauma. It can also be done because of a condition that someone was born with or developed … that don't involve surgery. Laser resurfacing. This uses a laser light to heat, damage, or destroy the upper layers of the skin. This can tighten the skin or cause new skin to grow. It is typically used to remove or …
Health topics
… Stress Management: Helping Your Child With Stress Substance Use Disorder: Dealing With Teen Substance Use What to Expect The ages from 15 to 18 are an exciting … about the immediate and long-lasting results of substance use, such as falling grades and poor health. Look for …
Medical tests
… It Is Done A cardiac perfusion scan is done to: Find the cause of unexplained chest pain or pressure. Find the cause of chest pain or pressure brought on by exercise. Check for the location and amount of damage caused by a heart attack. Identify coronary artery disease …
Health topics
… donation means giving some of your blood so that it can be used to help someone else. Donated blood helps people who … Donated blood is tested to make sure that it's safe to use. It's also checked for its type. This makes sure that … Be in good health. Some people can't donate because of health or other issues. For example, you may not be …
Medical tests
… Test Overview A mammogram is an X-ray of the breast that is used to screen for breast cancer . Mammograms can find … breast tomosynthesis is sometimes called 3D mammogram. It uses X-rays to create a three-dimensional image of the breast. This test may be used alone or with a digital mammogram. Cancer is most …
HealthLinkBC files
… factor) or more Your child’s car seat. They may be able to use it on the plane if they have their own seat Can I travel … cool) water before serving to children. This includes water used to dilute (water down) juice or prepare infant formula. … I protect my children from malaria? Malaria is a disease caused by mosquito bites and tiny parasites that get into the …
Health topics
… artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery, your surgeon will use a healthy blood vessel from another part of your body to … front and back surfaces of the heart. Harvesting a vein to use as a graft blood vessel The surgeon can remove a piece … Just behind your chest wall These blood vessels will be used as bypass grafts around narrowed or blocked portions of …
Health topics
… venous skin ulcer is also called a stasis leg ulcer. What causes it? Venous skin ulcers are caused by poor blood circulation from the legs, such as from … tissue and an ulcer. Veins that become blocked also may cause fluid to pool, leading to these ulcers. Some things can …