6242 results found
Health topics
… don't get enough sleep. Children's sleep problems can cause stress for parents, who may worry about their children. … parents' focus at work or in school. Health problems can cause sleep trouble in children. Examples of these conditions … for managing his or her weight. Being overweight can cause sleep problems or make them worse. Help your teen sleep …
Health topics
… to cry a lot. During the feeding, keep the light off and use a soft voice. If you want to give your baby more … every day. It's important to change your baby's diaper, because urine and stool can irritate your baby's skin. Paying … to know the number of wet diapers a newborn has. That's because disposable diapers work so well to wick moisture. In …
Health topics
… From Sports and Other Activities Teen Relationship Abuse Healthy thinking Healthy thinking links Get the facts: … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information means that you agree to the Terms of …
Health topics
… to help you lose weight. This type of surgery is only used for people who are very overweight and have not been … a thin vertical sleeve, or tube. Gastric bypass. The doctor uses a small part of your stomach to create a smaller … bypass. For example, some people need a second surgery because they aren't happy with having the band. Or the band can …
Health topics
… options Get an ICD. Don't get an ICD. This decision aid focuses on whether to get an ICD (implantable … are at risk of having an abnormal heart rhythm that could cause sudden death. Your doctor also will consider other … doing its job to keep your heart beating. The ICD also can use electrical pulses to fix a heart rate that is too fast …
Health topics
… for 30 grams a day for men and 21 grams a day for women. Use the Nutrition Facts label to find out the fat, … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information means that you agree to the Terms of …
Health topics
… differently. Your heart rate will not increase like it used to. And you will have a higher resting heart rate. This is because some of the nerves that control your heart were cut … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information means …
Health topics
… advice isn't meant for people coping with the effects of abuse, violence, or other trauma. If that's you, you still might find some tips here that you can use. But recovering from trauma may involve trying different … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information means …
HealthLinkBC files
… the other eye. The child's brain ignores the weak eye and uses the strong eye to see. If untreated, the child's brain … activities can decrease the natural blink reflex and cause irritated, red, or dry eyes Provide an area for homework … spaghetti, drinking straws, or pieces of wire, can cause an eye injury Teach children to sit at least 3 metres (8 …
Health topics
… aortic aneurysm . It is called an open surgery because the abdomen is opened so the doctor can see and work on … a man-made tube (called a graft). General anesthesia is used for this surgery. You may spend several days in the … you have the graft in your aorta. This is important because you may need to take antibiotics before certain …