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Health topics
… stage of labour begins with full dilation and ends with your baby's birth. It can take anywhere from a few minutes … to push. You will have a splitting and burning sensation on your perineum or vagina as these parts of your body stretch to accommodate your baby's head. You may …
Health topics
… is done to look for changes in the cells of the cervix. If your test is abnormal, it means it found some cells on your cervix that don't look normal. Having an abnormal test … can also cause an abnormal Pap test. What increases your risk for an abnormal Pap test? Human papillomavirus …
Health topics
… dandruff include white, oily-looking flakes of dead skin in your hair and on your shoulders and an itchy, scaling scalp. Your scalp can be either too dry or too oily. How is …
HealthLinkBC files
… during pregnancy? There are a number of risks for you and your developing baby if you drink alcohol when you are … There is no safe time to drink alcohol during pregnancy. Your baby’s brain and nervous system develop all throughout … alcohol before I knew I was pregnant? If you’ve missed your period, it is best to reduce or stop drinking until you …
Health topics
… shakes. Difficulty peeing due to swelling. Tips for you and your support person Ask for more warm blankets as you need them. Place an ice pack (wrapped in a towel) between your legs to decrease swelling in your perineal area. Drink fluids and eat a light meal if you …
Health topics
… a say in this decision, or you may simply want to follow your doctor's recommendation. Either way, this information will help you understand what your choices are so that you can talk to your doctor about them. Breast Cancer: Should I Have …
Health topics
… on demand. This means that you breastfeed or bottle-feed your infant whenever they show signs of hunger, rather than … In the first few days after birth, you may have to wake a sleepy baby to feed. During the first 2 weeks, babies … By 2 months, most babies have a set feeding routine. But your baby's routine may change at times, such as during …
Health topics
… a say in this decision, or you may simply want to follow your doctor's recommendation. Either way, this information will help you understand what your choices are so that you can talk to your doctor about … the treatment. You may be lightly sedated or completely asleep. You may stay one night in the hospital or go home the …
Health topics
… this page: Overview Overview Your nutrition needs increase during pregnancy. Your body needs protein , carbohydrate , and fats for … to make sure you get enough iron and folic acid. Your daily calories needs In the first trimester, you'll …
Health topics
… updated January 30, 2018 By the age of 30 to 36 months, your toddler's language skills have grown by leaps and bounds Your child probably peppers you with questions and loves to … you" "hello" Names most body parts Between 30 and 36 months your toddler may also: Use and understand direction and …