6344 results found
Health topics
… contractions During the second and third trimesters of your pregnancy, you may notice times when your belly tightens and becomes firm to the touch and then … contractions. Think of them as "warm-up" exercises for your uterus. These contractions may be so mild that you …
Health topics
… have inflammatory breast cancer without having a lump in your breast. What are the symptoms? Inflammatory breast … disease. But there is reason for hope, because treatment is improving. These days, many people are still free of cancer … disease. But there is reason for hope, because treatment is improving. These days, many people are still free of cancer …
Health topics
… hours. To prevent the body from rejecting the donor heart, your surgeon will give you powerful drugs … may have to stay longer. How long you'll stay depends on your health and if you have complications from surgery. … you will start a cardiac rehabilitation program. And your doctors will check on your heart to make sure your body …
Health topics
… of surgery redirects blood around a blocked blood vessel in your leg. So it may improve the blood flow in your leg. This can decrease leg pain, numbness, and … Or it may be a man-made blood vessel. You will probably be asleep during the surgery. But it also can be done while you …
Health topics
… you make wise health decisions or take action to improve your health. Actionsets are designed to help people take an … sounds, then: Stand or kneel behind the person and wrap your arms around their waist. If the person is standing, place one of your legs between their legs so you can support the person …
Health topics
… are no guarantees that a bunion surgery will fully relieve your pain. A regional anesthetic that affects only the foot … what is best. The surgery you get needs to be specific to your bunion. More than one procedure may be done at the same … Research doesn't show which type of surgery is best. Your surgery needs to be specific to your condition. More …
HealthLinkBC files
… Because itchiness and skin rashes have many causes, only your health care provider can confirm if you have scabies. … Scabies will not go away without treatment. Speak with your health care provider before you begin treatment. … above the neck, you should not have to apply the cream to your face and scalp. However, your health care provider may …
Health topics
… is a tracing of the electrical activity of your heart. It is usually done along with a history and … office, you may be asked to use a portable EKG to record your heart rhythm on a continuous basis. This is referred to … monitoring, 24-hour EKG, or cardiac event monitoring. Your doctor may recommend further tests, including an …
Health topics
… natural health product, in topical creams that you apply to your skin, or in a prescription skin patch. Why It Is Used … as a dietary supplement, the capsaicin may improve your digestion by increasing the digestive fluids in the … sensation. Don't let capsaicin come into contact with your eyes and other moist mucous membranes. After you touch …
Health topics
… is surgery that joins two or more of the vertebrae in your neck . When these bones are joined together, it's … surgery, the doctor uses bone to make a "bridge" between your vertebrae . This bridge may be strengthened with metal … In most cases, the doctor uses bone from another part of your body or bone that has been donated to a bone bank. But …