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Health topics
… Basics Conditions Basics What are wisdom teeth? Wisdom teeth are the upper and lower third molars , located at the very … and in the right position usually don't cause problems. You may have a problem if any of the following occur: Your …
Health topics
… Helping Your Teen Recover After a Traumatic Event On this page: … a wild fire, the death of a loved one, abuse, and violence are some examples. How can a traumatic event affect your … very quiet, or spending more time alone. Having nightmares or disturbing memories of the event. Eating more or …
Health topics
… flow to the heart. But the procedure is very invasive to your body for two major reasons. It involves making a large … Surgeons have devised several new methods that are less invasive. But minimally invasive CABG surgery is … You don't need the heart-lung bypass machine. There are two main types of beating-heart surgery (BHS). (Both are
Health topics
… Gastroparesis On this page: What is gastroparesis? After a meal, the stomach normally empties in 1½ to 2 hours. When you have gastroparesis, your stomach takes a lot longer to …
Health topics
… is exposed to certain substances in the workplace. Examples are wood dust, plastics, and certain chemicals. Breathing in these substances can irritate your lungs or cause them to swell and get inflamed. If you already have asthma, being exposed to these things on the job …
Health topics
… sports such as football, wrestling, or ice hockey. What are the symptoms? Symptoms of a broken collarbone include: … falling or being hit on the collarbone or in the shoulder area. Inability to raise the affected arm because of pain. A … pale, tingle, and feel cool or numb. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor can usually diagnose a broken collarbone by …
Health topics
… streptococcus (strep) is a serious bacterial infection. If you carry group B streptococcal bacteria, you may have the … It's not clear how babies who develop the infection later are exposed to the bacteria. What are the symptoms? Symptoms of group B strep may include high …
Health topics
… sex. A vasectomy is a simple procedure. It can be done at your doctor's office or clinic. It takes about 30 minutes. … consider having one if you have completed your family or are sure that you don't want children. Surgery to reconnect … for 1 to 2 hours after a vasectomy. Apply cold packs to the area and lie on your back as much as you can for the rest of …
Health topics
… page: Overview Overview Genes influence your weight by their effect on: How calories are used (energy metabolism). Some people use calories … need more calories to fuel the body, so there are fewer leftover calories to store as fat. Basal metabolic …
Health topics
… Ovarian Cysts On this page: What Increases Your Risk Symptoms What Happens When to Call a Doctor Exams and Tests Treatment Overview Self-Care What are functional ovarian cysts? A functional ovarian cyst is a …