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Health topics
… Alopecia Areata On this page: What is alopecia areata? Alopecia areata is a type of hair loss that occurs when your immune system mistakenly attacks hair follicles , which …
Health topics
… This can cause veins to rupture and bleed. What puts you at risk? The more severe the liver damage is and the larger the varices (enlarged veins) are, the greater your risk is for variceal bleeding. … more frequent testing if you have large varices or have already had an episode of variceal bleeding, even if you are
Health topics
… What is phenylketonuria (PKU)? Phenylketonuria (PKU) is a rare genetic condition in which the body cannot break down an … disease, a baby must get (inherit) the PKU gene from both parents. The father and mother may not have PKU or even know … a carrier of the PKU gene but does not have the disease. If you have a child with PKU and are thinking about having …
Health topics
… the stomach lining. Low levels of iron or vitamin B12. What are the symptoms? Gastritis can make you feel sick to your stomach. Symptoms may include pain, … the stomach lining. Low levels of iron or vitamin B12. What are the symptoms? Gastritis can make you feel sick to your …
Health topics
… and help control blood sugar levels. And it may help you reach and stay at a healthy weight. What is the … white, great northern), split peas, lentils, and chickpeas are good sources of fibre. Check labels to find the amount … work properly. If your diet has enough fibre in it, your stools should become softer, larger, and easier to pass. Some …
Health topics
… prevent pregnancy. It's a small, plastic, T-shaped device. Your doctor places the IUD in your uterus. There are two types of IUDs. Hormonal IUDs release a type of … The IUD is a highly effective method of birth control. IUDs are more than 99% effective for preventing pregnancy. …
Health topics
… or having to speed up or slow down very quickly. What are the symptoms? You may feel a pop and sudden pain when the fracture occurs. How is it diagnosed? X-rays are usually used to diagnose a fracture. How is an avulsion …
Health topics
… the bones (vertebrae) and discs of the spine. These changes are often called degenerative disc disease and … These changes don't always cause symptoms. But they are a common cause of spine problems that can range from mild to severe. What causes it? As your body ages, the discs between the bones of the spine …
Health topics
… the arteries as it moves through the body. It's normal for your child's blood pressure to go up and down throughout the … the heart and brain. This type of high blood pressure is rare. With very high blood pressure, your child or teen may … goal for your child. You can also help your child if you are active too. This can teach your child that exercise is …
Health topics
… can take five to 30 minutes or longer. During this time you may experience cramps and be asked to push out the … cord is cut and clamped after the baby is born. Healthcare provider takes an Apgar score to check baby’s overall … push out the placenta. Talk to your baby. He or she already recognizes your voice. Resources & links:  Labour and …