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… only during bowel movements. Over time, this may occur when you stand or walk. And in some cases, the tissue may bulge … due to aging, may also lead to rectal prolapse. What are the symptoms? The first symptoms of rectal prolapse may be: Leaking of stool from the anus (fecal incontinence). Leaking of mucus or …
Health topics
… the nail bed. Total loss of the nail bed. Nail changes rarely happen without other signs of psoriasis. And sometimes … in people with psoriatic arthritis . How is it diagnosed? Your doctor can often recognize psoriasis by looking at your skin, scalp, and nails. Special tests usually aren't needed. How is nail psoriasis treated? Psoriasis of …
Health topics
… the skull that causes a baby's head to be oddly shaped. In rare cases it causes pressure on the baby's brain, which can … piece of bone. It is made up of five thin, bony plates that are held together by fibrous material called sutures . The … of these sutures close too soon. How the problem affects your baby depends in part on how many of the sutures close …
Health topics
… Overview Is it normal for a child to bite? Most children younger than age 3 bite someone else at least once. Most … Biting isn't always intentional, and a bite from a child rarely causes serious injury to another person or poses any … they feel discomfort around their mouths, such as when they are teething . Most often they bite their caregivers. …
Health topics
… With ventricular fibrillation, the heartbeats are very fast and irregular. Ventricular fibrillation may … ventricular tachycardia, especially when it occurs in young people. But in most cases ventricular tachycardia is … problems, such as long QT syndrome or Brugada syndrome, are rare causes of ventricular tachycardia. Some medicines …
Health topics
… Information Overview It can be very painful to tear or rip your nail from the nail bed. A nail may separate from the … detach. This is also common in athletes who wear shoes that aren't roomy enough. Fungal nail infection , which occurs … and the skin underneath the nail (nail bed). Toenails are more commonly affected than fingernails, and symptoms …
Health topics
… push food down the esophagus also move more slowly when you are pregnant. And as the uterus grows, it presses on the … your eating habits. Some non-prescription medicines are generally safe during pregnancy. But talk to your doctor …
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… Overview Cause Symptoms What Happens What Increases Your Risk When To Call Examinations and Tests Treatment Overview Prevention Self-Care Medicines Surgery Other Treatment … risk of passing a heart defect to your child. If you are already pregnant and you or your partner has a family history …
HealthLinkBC files
… or person whom the older adult trusts, such as a friend or care provider. Financial abuse can happen when a family … children may not consider or realize that their actions are financially abusive or neglectful toward their … help prevent abuse and neglect, consider these tips: Set up your finances so that the bank automatically pays your …
Health topics
… the bones (vertebrae) and discs of the spine. These changes are often called degenerative disc disease and … These changes don't always cause symptoms. But they are a common cause of spine problems that can range from mild to severe. What causes it? As your body ages, the discs between the bones of the spine …