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… TS make sounds or movements that they can't control. These are called tics. Tics usually start in early childhood. They … families. And it is more common in boys than in girls. What are the symptoms? Most children with TS have different … How is it diagnosed? A doctor can diagnose TS based on your child's medical history and symptoms. The doctor may …
Health topics
… who have hyperthyroidism . Thyroid storm happens when your thyroid gland suddenly releases large amounts of … iodine for a CT scan or in radioactive iodine therapy. What are the symptoms? Symptoms of thyroid storm include: Feeling … iodine for a CT scan or in radioactive iodine therapy. What are the symptoms? Symptoms of thyroid storm include: Feeling …
Health topics
… Immunization in your baby's first year Last updated August 13, 2013 … could get very sick. Thanks to immunization, many diseases are no longer common in Canada. But the germs that cause … of shots begin at two months of age. Some immunizations are only given once or twice, while others are provided over …
Health topics
… classified based on function (how much feeling and movement you have) or on where the damage occurred. When a nerve in … the spinal cord is injured, the nerve location and number are often used to describe how much damage there is. For … use these classifications to describe themselves. SCIs are also described as complete and incomplete. An incomplete …
Health topics
… Steroids On this page: What are anabolic steroids? Anabolic steroids are synthetic substances similar to the male hormone … and testosterone undecylenate (such as Andriol). In Canada, you need a prescription to get any anabolic steroid. Illegal …
Health topics
… a Doctor Examinations and Tests Treatment Overview Self-Care What is juvenile idiopathic arthritis … swollen joints. This makes joints stiff and painful. Your child may have some pain and may walk with a limp. Some … Others will need ongoing treatment as adults. There are several types of JIA. Oligoarticular affects a few …
Health topics
… is classified according to how severely these ligaments are injured: In a type I injury , the acromioclavicular (AC) … In a type III injury , both the AC and CC ligaments are completely torn. The collarbone and the acromion are … a medical history, a physical examination, and an X-ray . Your doctor will check: For a deformity or bump. The range …
Health topics
… can occur in people who have none of these conditions. What are the symptoms? Most people who have NAFLD have no … symptoms occur, they may include feeling very tired. Or you may have pain or discomfort in the upper right part of … can occur in people who have none of these conditions. What are the symptoms? Most people who have NAFLD have no …
Health topics
… one or both testicles . It causes the scrotum or groin area to swell. A congenital hydrocele is one that a baby is … usually not a problem. It will probably go away by the time your baby is 2 years old. What causes it? A month or so before birth, a baby's testicles move from the belly area down into the scrotum, along with a bit of the lining …
Health topics
… skin resurfacing. Carbon dioxide lasers and erbium lasers are often used for skin resurfacing. The laser is passed … The pulses from the laser may sting or burn slightly. You may feel a snapping feeling against your skin. When the treatment is done, the area may be covered with a skin cream or a special dressing. …