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6334 results found
Health topics
… Diary On this page: Overview Overview A pain diary may help you and your doctor find out what makes your pain better or … track of when you have pain, how bad it is, and what you are doing to treat it. This figure has been reproduced with … track of when you have pain, how bad it is, and what you are doing to treat it. This figure has been reproduced with …
Health topics
… is often done as part of a physiotherapy program. Or you may find a program in a gym or health club. Why is water exercise done? Exercising in water can increase your flexibility and range of motion without putting stress on your joints and spine. Warm water also helps relax your …
Health topics
… drugs and some pharmaceutical drugs can be harmful for you and for your developing baby during pregnancy. Using … and HIV. People who use street drugs after giving birth are usually advised not to breastfeed. On this page: … and to help you manage or even stop your drug use. If you are pregnant or thinking of becoming pregnant, talk to your …
Health topics
… create feelings of stress for moms-to-be. The people around you can forget that these sudden changes may leave you … overwhelmed and confused. For many women, these feelings are temporary, but for others, negative feelings may persist … health of your developing baby, and your ability to take care of yourself and your baby after birth. Women who …
Health topics
… hard for the body to absorb vitamins and other nutrients. You cannot prevent celiac disease. But you can stop and … and stouts—contain gluten unless they specifically say they are gluten-free. Avoid oats, at least at first. Oats may … safe to eat oats labelled as gluten-free. Read food labels carefully. Look for hidden gluten. Foods such as ice cream, …
Health topics
… breast-conserving surgery also have radiation therapy . You may also have chemotherapy , hormone therapy , or both. … a bra day and night for a few days for support. Most people are able to get back to normal activity within a few days. … surgery and on other treatment you might be having. If you are going to have radiation therapy, it won't start until …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview There are no specific tests that can confirm a diagnosis of fibromyalgia . But you may have lab tests to rule out other diseases. Or these … . Learn how we develop our content . … Overview There are no specific tests that can confirm a diagnosis of …
Health topics
… Overview Childbirth and breastfeeding may affect your sexual desire. Exhaustion, breast soreness, your baby's … the physical effects of breastfeeding. When you are sexually aroused, milk may leak or flow from your … bothersome, have towels handy or take other measures to prepare. You also may experience vaginal dryness. If this …
Health topics
… Hospital infections can be very serious, especially if you're already weak from whatever illness or problem put you in the … in the hospital. Make sure others wash their hands. Health care workers already know they must do this, but sometimes …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview You have a choice about who will deliver your baby. Doctors and midwives are trained to provide medical care and support before, during, and after the birth. Doctors …