6357 results found
HealthLinkBC files
… virus shingles vaccine. The live virus shingles vaccines are no longer available in Canada Are not sure if you had … with a weakened immune system can also get the vaccine. How can I get the shingles vaccine? You can buy the shingles … plans may cover the cost of the vaccine. Check with your provider. What are the benefits of the shingles …
Health topics
… of the intestines can cause a bowel obstruction. These are called mechanical obstructions . In the small intestine, … Other causes are severe constipation from a hard mass of stool and narrowing of the intestine caused by diverticulitis … if the intestine is partly blocked, you may have diarrhea. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will ask you questions …
HealthLinkBC files
… Document Spanish Document Vietnamese Travel vaccines are recommended for people visiting or working in some … required if you continue to travel or work in these areas. How is the vaccine given? Traveller’s diarrhea Adults and … (ETEC). These bacteria are found in the bowel movements (stool) of infected people. People who use the bathroom …
Health topics
… What are ganglions? Ganglions are small sacs ( cysts ) filled … puts pressure on nearby nerves, you may have tingling in your fingers, hand, or forearm. Some ganglions can weaken your grip or affect joint motion. How are they diagnosed? A ganglion can usually be diagnosed …
Health topics
… Candida albicans . This kind of yeast naturally lives on your skin. When too much yeast grows, it is called a yeast … Yeast skin infections tend to happen in skin-to-skin areas. These include the underarms, as well as skin folds … on the skin. Itching or burning. Irritation or tenderness. How is it diagnosed? A yeast skin infection can often be …
Health topics
… serious problems. You may feel that you can't control your gambling in spite of its impact on your finances, … of addiction. It may also be called problem gambling. What are the symptoms? There are many possible symptoms of … time thinking about past gambling. Or you may think about how to get more money to gamble with. Lie to others about …
Health topics
… heal with home treatment after a few days or weeks. These are called short-term (acute) anal fissures. If you have an … the anal canal. Injury can happen when: You pass a large stool. You are constipated and try to pass a hard stool. You … It may bleed from time to time but cause no other symptoms. How is it diagnosed? A doctor can diagnose an anal fissure …
Health topics
… this information will help you understand what your choices are so that you can talk to your doctor about them. … getting pregnant and having a healthy pregnancy depend on how bad the tubal problem is, your age, and whether you or your …
HealthLinkBC files
… (vomiting and diarrhea). In addition to LAIV, there are inactivated influenza vaccines available in B.C. The … vaccines are usually available beginning in October. For your best protection, get immunized as soon as possible. You … are unwilling to get the inactivated influenza vaccine. However, the inactivated influenza vaccine is recommended …
Health topics
… Willebrand disease? Acquired von Willebrand disease is a rare bleeding disorder that might be caused by other medical … with no previous history of bleeding abnormalities. How is acquired von Willebrand disease treated? Treatment of … von Willebrand disease includes medicines that help your body have enough von Willebrand clotting factor in the …