6355 results found
Health topics
… Cosmetic surgery and procedures change, restore, or enhance your appearance. There are many reasons for wanting to do this. If you want to … them done? For many of us, our physical appearance affects how we see ourselves and how others see us. The size, shape, …
Health topics
… the insertion of a left ventricular assist device (LVAD). How does it work? The intra-aortic balloon pump (IABP) reduces the workload on your heart, allowing your heart to pump more blood. The IABP … more blood. This decreases the workload on the heart. What are the risks? Intra-aortic balloon pumps (IABPs) cause some …
Health topics
… page: Overview Overview By week 20, you've probably felt your baby move. It may not feel like an obvious kick—yet! … of a red pepper. Average baby length is 250 mm (10 in.). How your baby is changing Here are some of the important facts and developments around 20 …
Health topics
… Overview A painful sore or ulcer inside your mouth may make it hard to eat and drink. Be sure to let your doctor know you are having mouth sores. You may need to have your medicines … sweet or too hot or too cold if it makes your mouth hurt. How to keep your mouth clean Rinse your mouth several times …
Medical tests
… in Urine Test On this page: Test Overview Why It Is Done How To Prepare How It Is Done How It Feels Risks Results Related … with your fingers. Don't get toilet paper, pubic hair, stool (feces), menstrual blood, or anything else in the urine …
Health topics
… prevent pregnancy. It's a small, plastic, T-shaped device. Your doctor places the IUD in your uterus. There are two types of IUDs. Hormonal IUDs release a type of … can be used longer. footnote 1 Talk to your doctor about how long you can use your IUD. Once you have an IUD, you …
Health topics
… What are boils? Boils are red, swollen, painful bumps under the … skin rubs. They may become large and cause severe pain. How are they treated? You can sometimes care for a boil at … do not share towels and face cloths with other people. If your doctor prescribes antibiotics, take them as directed. …
Health topics
… week 24, you may have noticed some jerking movements inside your belly—or even seen them on the outside! Repetitive, … movements usually mean your baby has the hiccups. Hiccups are perfectly normal and can last anywhere from a minute to … inches) . And average baby weight is 630 g (1.4 lb) . How your baby is changing Here are some of the important …
Health topics
… You may have felt ready for baby to come for a while, but your baby may still be perfectly happy inside. It can be … 50 cm (20 in.). And average baby weight is 3400 g (8 lb). How your baby is changing Here are some of the important facts and developments around 40 …
Health topics
… artery from narrowing again after angioplasty . They are coated with medicine that prevents scar tissue from … bare-metal stents. To decide which type of stent to use, your doctor will consider your overall health and your risk … want to take blood-thinning medicines for at least 1 year. How stents are placed in an artery A stent is placed in a …