6355 results found
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… looking a little more pregnant on the outside. And inside, your baby is starting to look more human and may even have … size of an avocado. Average baby length is 12 cm (4.7 in.). How your baby is changing Here are some of the important facts and developments around 16 …
Health topics
… On Inside On this page: Overview Overview At 28 weeks, your baby may be moving a lot more—and possibly keeping you … to be soothing. So they often sleep during the day and are awake at night. Wondering what your baby looks like at … mm (15 in.) . And average baby weight is 1000 g (2 lb) . How your baby is changing Here are some of the important …
Health topics
… position usually must be delivered by C-section . There are three main breech positions : Frank breech. The buttocks … are the signs? You probably won't be able to feel whether your baby is breech. But if you are 36 or more weeks … in your lower belly, see your doctor for an examination. How is it diagnosed? During a routine examination late in …
Health topics
… The female condom is a barrier method of birth control . How do you get female condoms? Female condom use doesn't … a prescription or a visit to a health professional. Condoms are sold in drugstores and family planning clinics. How well … chair or lie down. Insert one finger into the condom. With your other hand, squeeze together the closed end of the …
Health topics
… After delivery, you will have a bloody discharge from your vagina. This will turn pink within a week and then … it's okay. If you have a tear or stitches in your vaginal area, change your pad at least every 4 hours. This will prevent soreness and infection. How much bleeding is too much? Call your doctor now or seek …
Health topics
… a substance that helps you have a bowel movement. Laxatives are used to relieve and prevent constipation, which occurs … by absorbing more fluid in the intestines. This makes the stool bigger, which gives you the urge to pass the stool. … Products such as Dulcolax, Ex-Lax, or Senokot speed up how fast a stool moves through the intestines by irritating …
Health topics
… What are razor bumps? Razor bumps, or ingrown hairs, are small, … with laser treatments doesn't cause razor bumps. How are razor bumps treated? The best way to treat razor … prevent them? These tips can help when you shave: Moisten your skin with water and mild soap first. This will soften …
Health topics
… What are cataracts? Cataracts are a painless, cloudy area in the … signs of cataracts in children: You may see a cloudiness in your child's eye. The child may not look directly at or … movements. This is usually a later sign of cataracts. How are cataracts in children diagnosed? Most of the time, …
Health topics
… baby also may spit up more than usual and have loose stools. Although crying from discomfort is not colic , it can … frequent and more intense in an already colicky baby. What are signs that your baby has had enough to eat? Babies give cues during feeding that indicate how hungry they are. Pay attention to these cues to help …
Health topics
… is placed over a man's erect penis before sex. Condoms are also called "rubbers," "sheaths," or "skins." Condoms … with spermicide, or another female barrier method. How do you get male condoms? Condoms don't require a … wrapper, be careful not to poke a hole in the condom with your fingernails, teeth, or other sharp objects. Put the …