6357 results found
Health topics
… a tanning device can cause skin cancer. Tanning devices are linked to basal cell cancer , squamous cell cancer , and … Indoor tanning, especially if used before age 35, increases your risk for all these skin cancers. And indoor tanning … them from getting a sunburn while outdoors. But a tan is how your skin responds to injury—getting a tan is a sign …
Health topics
… to cervical cancer. This test may not be available in all areas or covered by all provincial health plans. Who should … cancer. Guidelines for when to start having Pap tests and how often to have them vary from province to province. Your doctor can help you find a cervical cancer screening …
Health topics
… Children Ages 1 to 3 Ages 4 to 8 7 mg. 10 mg. What foods are high in iron? The foods you eat contain nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals. Iron is a nutrient. Your body needs the right amount to stay healthy and work as … firm), 3/4 cup (150 g) Work with your doctor to find out how much of this nutrient you need. Depending on your …
Health topics
… people see more than one doctor or health professional. Your primary care doctor, or family doctor, may refer you to another … will be more convenient. Ask your doctors or their staff how long visits will take, including time in the waiting …
Health topics
… to take a lot of time or require complicated recipes. There are many ways you can save time in the kitchen and still eat … a matter of having the right foods on hand and learning how to take shortcuts in the kitchen. Keep your kitchen stocked with quick and easy meal ingredients …
Health topics
… this page: Overview Overview Your immunity protects both you and your unborn baby … lifetime or a limited period. Partial immunity strengthens how well your body can fight that infection. Before you … you had a vaccine as a child, it doesn't guarantee that you are now fully immune. It depends on the virus or bacteria. …
Health topics
… Down Syndrome: Grooming and Hygiene Down Syndrome: Helping Your Child Avoid Social Problems Down Syndrome: Helping Your Child Dress Independently Down Syndrome: Helping Your Child Eat Independently Down Syndrome: Helping Your …
Health topics
… feel hungry, afraid, restless, quiet, sleepy, or bored. In rare cases, thumb-sucking after age 5 is in response to an … Feel embarrassed or are teased or shamed by other people. How is problem thumb-sucking treated? Simple home treatment … stop most children from sucking their thumbs. But if your child has a sucking habit around age 4 or older, …
Health topics
… What are birthmarks? A birthmark is a coloured mark on or under a newborn baby's skin. Some birthmarks show up soon after a baby is born. Most birthmarks are … as propranolol or corticosteroids. Laser therapy. Surgery. Your options will depend on the type of birthmark, where it …
Health topics
… this page: Overview Overview Protecting your baby Each new learning stage for your baby requires you … more attention to prevent an injury. It may surprise you how fast your baby can move from one stage to the next. Being aware of what your baby can do and what skills your baby is …