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Health topics
… Sick sinus syndrome is also called sinus node dysfunction. What causes it? Sick sinus syndrome can occur for various … people, it can be so severe that it causes this syndrome. What happens? Various irregular heart rates (arrhythmias) or … may not be treated. Treatment may be a pacemaker. You and your doctor can decide what treatment is right for you. What
Health topics
… Anxiety is having too much fear and worry. Some people have what's called generalized anxiety disorder. They feel … a fast heartbeat and sweaty hands. It can make you limit your activities and can make it hard to enjoy your life. … stop your negative thoughts or "self-talk." Self-talk is what you think and believe about yourself and your
Health topics
… reduce stress. The following suggestions can benefit both your relationships and your mental health. Visit with friends and family. Spending … a phone call, send an email, or write a quick note. Make "date" time with your spouse or partner. This might be a …
Health topics
… sun during these hours, make sure to take care to protect yourself and your family. Physical sunscreens, such as zinc oxide, are … Skin From the Sun Skin Changes Sunburn Adaptation Date: 6/14/2023 Adapted By: HealthLink BC Adaptation …
Health topics
… page: What is craniosynostosis? Craniosynostosis (say … of these sutures close too soon. How the problem affects your baby depends in part on how many of the sutures close … develops normally, but the head has an odd shape. This is what happens in most cases. If more than one suture closes …
Health topics
… a mental health condition, there may be times when you lose your emotional balance. That can put your health or even your life at risk. It may be hard to know what to do when you're in the midst of a crisis, so it's … Have you dealt with a mental health crisis before? What happened then? What brought it on? What signs or …
Health topics
… page: What is rosacea? Rosacea (say "roh-ZAY-shuh") is a very … affects people over the age of 30. It causes redness on your nose, cheeks, chin, and forehead. Some people get … better. And it may keep your rosacea from getting worse. What causes it? Experts are not sure what causes rosacea. …
Health topics
… page: What is polyhydramnios? Amniotic fluid surrounds the fetus … polyhydramnios. It means that there's more fluid around your baby than there should be. In some cases, too much … other cases, it can cause problems, such as preterm labour. What causes it? In many cases, the cause of too much …
Health topics
… page: What is pyloric stenosis? Pyloric stenosis is a problem with … It usually starts about 3 to 6 weeks after birth. If your baby was born early (premature), symptoms may start … fussy and hungry a lot of the time. Have fewer and harder stools than normal. Pass less urine than normal. Vomiting …
Health topics
… page: What is Hodgkin lymphoma? Hodgkin lymphoma is a cancer that … to other parts of the body. To find out how severe your cancer is, your doctor will classify it by type and … you have, its stage, and your age when you are diagnosed. What causes it? Experts don't know what causes Hodgkin …