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Health topics
… Conditions Basics Conditions Basics What is anemia of chronic kidney disease? Anemia of chronic kidney disease means that kidney disease has caused your anemia. Your doctor will have ruled out other causes of … With treatment, you may feel better and enjoy life more. What causes it? Red blood cells are made by the bone marrow. …
Health topics
… page: What is gum disease? Gum disease is an infection of the … gums to damage the tissues and bone that support the teeth. What causes it? Gum disease is caused by the growth of germs … are present in plaque, a clear, sticky substance that your mouth produces. What are the symptoms? Healthy gums are …
Health topics
… page: What is bronchiolitis? Bronchiolitis is an infection of the … is the leading cause of serious lower respiratory illness. What causes it? Bronchiolitis is caused by a virus, … include runny nose, cough, and fever. After a few days, your child may experience shortness of breath and/or …
Health topics
… Active For Health Overview Active For Health is a toolkit of resources to help persons living with chronic … to live active lifestyles.  Active For Health is a unique tool. It offers high quality resources that support physical …
Health topics
… page: What is intussusception? Intussusception means that one part … Symptoms of intussusception usually begin suddenly. Your child may: Act fussy. Vomit often. Have severe belly … of pain may start 5 to 30 minutes later. Have diarrhea or stools that contain blood or mucus. Have a swollen, painful …
Health topics
… page: What is the collarbone (clavicle)? The collarbone (clavicle) … nerves and blood vessels from the neck to the shoulder. What causes a broken collarbone? A broken collarbone is … pale, tingle, and feel cool or numb. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor can usually diagnose a broken collarbone by …
Health topics
… page: What are blocked eustachian tubes? The eustachian (say … blockage causes ear pain and sometimes trouble hearing. What causes them? Swelling from a cold, allergies, or a … eustachian tubes can cause several symptoms. For example, your ears may hurt or feel full. You may have ringing or …
Health topics
… page: What is folate deficiency anemia? Folate deficiency anemia is a blood problem that occurs when your body doesn't have enough folate (folic acid). This B … cells ( anemia ). Anemia can make you feel weak and tired. What causes it? You can get folate deficiency anemia if: You …
Health topics
… are a health problem. They can cause big changes in how your child feels and behaves. All kids have strong emotions … go away. Those emotions affect your child's everyday life. What are the different types of mood disorders in children? … and extreme lows of depression. Not all experts agree on what should be the minimum age for diagnosing bipolar …
Health topics
… page: What is motion sickness? If you've ever been sick to your stomach on a rocking boat or a bumpy airplane ride, you … sometimes called airsickness, seasickness, or carsickness. What causes it? You get motion sickness when one part of …