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6357 results found
Health topics
… that are high in those nutrients. Don't make big changes in your diet all at once. Make small changes, and don't give … your habits. Don't be afraid to let family and friends know what you're trying to do. And ask for their help. How can … does not replace the advice of a doctor. Healthwise, Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of …
… medical advice and does not substitute for the advice of your health care professional. Always ask your health care … This medication is used for the short-term treatment of heart failure. It works by making your heart beat stronger … that could worsen your heart failure. Tell your pharmacist what products you are using, and ask how to use them safely …
Health topics
… Lung Surgery for Lung Cancer On this page: Surgery Overview What To Expect Why It Is Done How Well It Works Risks … small cuts ( video-assisted thoracic surgery , or VATS). Your doctor can help you understand which type of surgery is … air leak in your lung that does not close. Damage to your heart, lungs, blood vessels, or nerves in your chest. …
Health topics
… Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm On this page: Treatment Overview What To Expect Why It Is Done How Well It Works Risks … Endovascular aortic aneurysm repair fixes an aneurysm in your aorta. An aneurysm is a weak or bulging part of a vein … Your aorta is a large artery. It carries blood from your heart through your belly to the rest of your body. If you …
Health topics
… Surgery On this page: Surgery Overview How It Is Done What To Expect Why It Is Done How Well It Works Risks … of surgery redirects blood around a blocked blood vessel in your leg. So it may improve the blood flow in your leg. This … These risks include: Infection from the incision. Bleeding. Heart attack or stroke. Specific risks for this bypass …
Health topics
… Surgery On this page: Surgery Overview How It Is Done What To Expect Why It Is Done How Well It Works Risks … surgery. It redirects blood around blocked blood vessels in your lower leg or foot. It is often done if you have pain. … These risks include: Infection from the incision. Bleeding. Heart attack or stroke. Specific risks for this bypass …
… medical advice and does not substitute for the advice of your health care professional. Always ask your health care … away if you develop some of the following symptoms: fast heartbeat hallucinations loss of coordination severe … you have any very serious side effects, including: black stools chest pain fainting slow/fast/irregular heartbeat …
Health topics
… may build up in the bloodstream and cause problems in your brain called encephalopathy. High ammonia levels are a sign of encephalopathy. What are the symptoms? Symptoms of encephalopathy may … does not replace the advice of a doctor. Healthwise, Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of …
Medical tests
… a test that uses X-rays to provide detailed pictures of the heart and the blood vessels that go to the heart, lung, … dye ( contrast material ) is put in a vein ( IV ) in your arm or hand to make the blood vessels easier to see on … given a medicine called a beta-blocker to slow your heart rate during the test. Benefits and limitations A CT …
Health topics
… movements? You may be surprised at the number of diapers your newborn goes through every day. Many newborns have at … may have as many as 5 to 10 a day. Your baby may pass a stool after each feeding. The number of bowel movements may … healthy and growing, and as long as the stools aren't hard. What do newborn bowel movements look like? Your newborn …