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6357 results found
Health topics
… Bruising of the skin. Trouble breathing. Changes in heart rate or rhythm. A metallic, rubbery, or minty taste in the … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information …
Medical tests
… Test Overview A tonometry test measures the pressure inside your eye, which is called intraocular pressure (IOP). This … tonometry. Your doctor gently places the rounded tip of a tool that looks like a pen directly on your cornea. The IOP … used to see if medicine is keeping your IOP below a certain target pressure set by your doctor. How To Prepare Tell your
Health topics
… page: What is esophagitis? Esophagitis is irritation or … . The esophagus is the tube that carries food from your throat to your stomach. Esophagitis can be painful and … are the symptoms? Common symptoms of esophagitis include: Heartburn. Pain when you swallow. Trouble swallowing food or …
Health topics
… Conditions Basics Conditions Basics What is lymphedema? Lymphedema is a collection of fluid that … symptoms? Symptoms of lymphedema include feeling as though your clothes, rings, wristwatches, or bracelets are too … or leg on a comfortable surface, above the level of your heart. Propping up the affected arm or leg can help ease the …
Health topics
… Conditions Basics Conditions Basics What is thalassemia? Thalassemia (say "thal-uh-SEE-mee-uh") … is an inherited blood disorder that causes your body to make less hemoglobin or abnormal hemoglobin. … for your body to get too much iron. This can damage your heart and other organs. Make sure to avoid vitamins that …
Health topics
… page: What is a drug allergy? A drug allergy occurs when your immune system overreacts to something in a medicine. … does not replace the advice of a doctor. Healthwise, Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of …
Health topics
… page: What are spondyloarthropathies? Spondyloarthropathies are a … that all of them: Usually involve the attachments between your low back and the pelvis (sacroiliac joint). Affect … long time may develop complications in organs, such as the heart and lungs. How are they diagnosed? …
Health topics
… tend to have very little nutritional value. Marketing often targets children through tie-ins between movies, fast-food … on the eating behaviour. Feeding Your Child Using Division of Responsibility Healthy Eating … does not replace the advice of a doctor. Healthwise, Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of …
Health topics
… or Senior Stage of Life What is a family life cycle? The emotional and intellectual stages you pass through from childhood to your retirement years as a member of a family are called the … from earlier life stages. But for those who have the proper tools, this can be a very rewarding, happy time, even with …
… medical advice and does not substitute for the advice of your health care professional. Always ask your health care … are over 35 years old. Smoking raises your risk of stroke, heart attack, blood clots, and high blood pressure from … very important information on when to take your pills and what to do if you miss a dose. If you have any questions, …