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Health topics
… with a virus. What causes it? Most cases of viral hepatitis are caused by hepatitis A, B, C, D, and E viruses. Less … person to another. Hepatitis B, C, and D viruses are spread when an uninfected person comes in contact with blood, … also spread through direct contact with contaminated stool (feces). Hepatitis E also might be spread by contact …
Health topics
… Information Overview The inability to move a part of your body (paralysis) as a result of a tick bite is a rare problem. Tick paralysis can be caused by several … swallowing or talking. Most cases occur in children. When these symptoms develop, contact your doctor immediately …
Health topics
… Checking Blood Sugar in a Child Actionset Overview You and your child need to know when your child's blood sugar level is outside the target … quickly. How is blood sugar monitored? Get organized Here are some good practices to review before you start testing …
Health topics
… page: Overview Overview Eating well when you have cancer means eating enough to prevent weight loss … may taste different. You may not feel like eating if you are uncomfortable, tired, depressed, or anxious. Some people …
Health topics
… Information Overview A nicotine inhaler looks like a cigarette. It has a cartridge that contains nicotine. You inhale, and nicotine vapour is absorbed into your mouth … the cartridge to release the nicotine. Use the inhaler when you crave a cigarette. When you feel the urge to smoke, …
Health topics
… device. It sends out mild electrical signals that keep your heart beating normally. The signals are painless. It can help stop the dizziness, fainting, and … pacemaker can help restore a normal heart rate. It is used when certain problems have damaged the heart's electrical …
Health topics
… to make a three-dimensional image of the interior lining of your large intestine (colon) and rectum. A virtual … is still being studied to determine whether the results are as accurate as a regular colonoscopy . Virtual … cannot be inserted in the colon for some reason, such as when a tumour blocks the passage. Virtual colonoscopy is not …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview If you have certain heart conditions, you may need to take … all other health professionals who may treat you that you are at risk for endocarditis. Your doctor can issue you a … Antibiotic resistance Antibiotic resistance occurs when bacteria are able to resist drugs that were previously …
Health topics
… for acute kidney injury may be done daily until your kidneys are working again. You are connected to a filter (dialyzer) … in the blood (acidosis). Hemodialysis is sometimes used when acute kidney injury develops. Dialysis is always used …
Health topics
… Protecting Your Skin From the Sun On this page: Overview Related … the sun during the peak hours of UV radiation . Peak hours are from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Find shade if you need to be … block at least 99% of UVA and UVB radiation. Be careful when you are on sand, snow, or water. These surfaces can …