6346 results found
Health topics
… Cataracts: Eye Care After Surgery On this page: Overview … Overview The day after surgery to remove a cataract , you will most likely be allowed to return to your normal … from the surgery. Wear your glasses or sunglasses when you are outside. Do not get anything in the eye from …
Health topics
… Overview Colorectal cancer genetic testing can tell you if you carry rare changed, or mutated, genes that can cause colorectal … such as Lynch syndrome. But the tests cannot tell you when or if you will develop colorectal cancer. Deciding …
Health topics
… is saying. Trouble communicating can be very frustrating. When you talk to someone who's had a stroke, be understanding and … might get helpful tips from their stroke rehab team. Here are some examples. Speak directly to the person. Don't …
Health topics
… Overview Sickle cell trait occurs when a person inherits a sickle cell gene from just one parent. People with sickle cell trait rarely have symptoms. … Testing positive for sickle cell trait doesn't mean that you need to have treatment or make changes in your …
Health topics
… fractures of the spine. The procedure can return your vertebrae to a more normal shape. Your doctor may numb the area, or you may get medicine to make you sleep. The doctor … Nerve damage. Infection. Problems are more common when more than one vertebra is treated at the same time. …
Health topics
… to help men determine how bothersome their urinary symptoms are and to check how effective their treatment is. footnote … point scale to answer the questions. 0 points means you answered "never" to the question. 1 point means you … you found that you stopped and started again several times when you urinated? Over the past month, how often have you …
Health topics
… Walk your way to health Last updated January 9, 2013 Walking is … gradually building your pace. Don't forget to cool down when you finish! Find the right pace When starting out, … pace than a stroll without over-exerting yourself. If you are with a partner, you should be able to talk without …
Health topics
… quitting smoking or drinking less. But whatever the change, you have to be ready to make it. And the reality is that only you know when you're ready for a change. No matter where you are—whether you're ready to change today or are thinking …
Health topics
… of tissue from the cervix. The cervix is the lower part of your uterus. It opens into your vagina. There are a few ways the doctor can remove the tissue. One way is … will tell you what follow-up tests you should have and when you need to have them done. You may have some light …
Medical tests
… On this page: Test Overview Why It Is Done How To Prepare How It Is Done How It Feels Risks Results Test Overview You can buy a home urinary tract infection (UTI) test kit. … are having symptoms of a UTI, such as a burning sensation when urinating or blood in your urine, call your doctor even …