2126 results found
… This medication is used to treat ongoing high levels of iron in the body caused by multiple blood transfusions. It is also used to treat high levels of iron in people with a certain blood disorder who do not … thalassemia). It works by binding to iron, allowing the body to pass extra iron out in the stool. …
Health topics
… Excessive air swallowing may cause hiccups. Gas-producing foods and drinks, such as beans, broccoli, carbonated … health products, such as opioid pain medicines, vitamins, iron supplements, and many medicines that are used to treat … health products, such as opioid pain medicines, vitamins, iron supplements, and many medicines that are used to treat …
Health topics
… disease. These changes can include: A problem with using iron to make red blood cells, even when there's enough iron in the body. Bone marrow that can't make red blood … anemia, such as pernicious anemia , hemolytic anemia , or iron deficiency anemia . How is anemia of chronic disease …
Health topics
… heartbeat, muscle weakness, and other problems. Levels of iron, sugar, protein, and fat. The function of the kidneys, … may also test whether you have difficulty digesting certain foods, such as milk and dairy products. … heartbeat, muscle weakness, and other problems. Levels of iron, sugar, protein, and fat. The function of the kidneys, …
… fever or rash. If your doctor directs you to also take an iron supplement, take it at least 2 hours before or after … medication and a low-copper diet may increase the risk for iron deficiency. Tell your doctor right away if you have … cold hands/feet. Your doctor may direct you to take an iron supplement for a short time (see also How to Use …
Health topics
… away, or may go away on its own. Certain medicines and foods can affect the colour of stool . Diarrhea medicines (such as Pepto-Bismol) and iron tablets can make the stool black. Eating lots of beets … medicines. Cold medicines (antihistamines). Calcium and iron supplements. Opioid pain medicines. Seek Care Today …
Health topics
… You might get anemia if your food doesn't include enough iron , folic acid , vitamin B12 , and vitamin C. A pregnant … that's needed is a balanced diet. Some people need to take iron pills. Others may need a vitamin like folic acid or … You might get anemia if your food doesn't include enough iron , folic acid , vitamin B12 , and vitamin C. A pregnant …
Health topics
… is a type of bacteria that can cause ulcers. Eating certain foods or drinking too much alcohol. Stress from a severe … may attack and damage the stomach lining. Low levels of iron or vitamin B12. What are the symptoms? Gastritis can … may attack and damage the stomach lining. Low levels of iron or vitamin B12. What are the symptoms? Gastritis can …
Health topics
… your baby is 9 to 12 months of age and eating a variety of iron-rich foods) in a cup or bottle. Do this before you breastfeed or … your baby is 9 to 12 months of age and eating a variety of iron-rich foods) in a cup or bottle. Do this before you …
Health topics
… the surgery. You'll start with only small amounts of soft foods and liquids. Bit by bit, you will be able to add solid … easily absorbed. Because of this, you may not get enough iron, calcium, magnesium, or vitamins. It's important to … occur because of poor absorption of protein, fat, calcium, iron, and vitamins B12, A, D, E, and K. Citations …