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2126 results found
Health topics
… fruits, vegetables, and whole grains and cutting back on foods that have a lot of fat, salt, and sugar. A change to … eat from each food group—vegetables and fruits, whole grain foods, protein foods and healthy fats. Make water your drink of choice. …
Health topics
… the amount of sugar and starch (carbohydrate) in the foods you eat. This is important, because carbohydrate … sugar after meals to see what effect different carbohydrate foods have on your blood sugar level. How to count … Get a book that lists the carbohydrate content in different foods. Count either grams or servings of carbohydrate . If …
Health topics
… foodborne illness. Foodborne illness can happen if you eat foods that contain harmful germs. Germs can get into food … eggs that weren't cooked enough or by eating other unsafe foods or drinking unsafe water. You will probably begin to … electrolytes. When you feel like eating, start with mild foods, such as dry toast, yogurt, applesauce, bananas, and …
Health topics
… more often, including snacks throughout the day. Ask what foods the person you're caring for likes best. Offer those foods when you can. Preparing for a meal Before the meal, … or puree the food to make it easier to eat. Prepare "finger foods" that can be easily picked up and chewed. Helping …
Healthy eating
… function better for longer. Eating a variety of healthy foods such as vegetables and fruits, whole grains and protein foods can help. If you have high blood pressure or diabetes, … protein per kilogram body weight. Eat a variety of protein foods as part of a healthy eating pattern. Protein is in …
Health topics
… heart attack, and stroke. It focuses on eating more healthy foods and cutting back on foods that aren't so good for you. It is part of a … vegetables, whole grains, beans, and other high-fibre foods. Eat lean proteins, such as seafood, lean meats, …
Health topics
… of the esophagus. In some people, very hot or very cold foods may trigger an episode. What are the symptoms? Most … a series of questions. These include questions about what foods or liquids trigger symptoms, where it feels like food … treatment for esophageal spasm may include: Changing the foods you eat. Your doctor may tell you to eat certain foods
Health topics
… Or, decide to eat more fruits and worry about other foods later. Making one change at a time. Rather than … to your diet instead of taking something away. Add foods that you think you need more of, like fruits and … vegetables. Taking things out of your diet (for example, foods that are high in fat or sugar) may leave you feeling …
Health topics
… fat. Before you order, find out how the food is prepared. Foods that are broiled, poached, grilled, baked, or steamed tend to be lower in fat than foods that are fried. Limit foods that are breaded or that come with cream sauce or …
Health topics
… your child from choking by offering the right kinds of foods and watching for choking hazards. Food To prevent … when you select and prepare food. Do not give round, firm foods to children younger than age 4 unless the food is chopped completely. Foods that can be choking hazards include: Seeds (for …