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Health topics
… Noroviruses typically spread through contaminated water and foods, although they can also pass from person to person. … very contagious and can spread rapidly throughout these environments. Keep your child at home while they are sick and … very contagious and can spread rapidly throughout these environments. Keep your child at home while they are sick and …
HealthLinkBC files
Health topics
… and may help relieve your jaw pain. Avoid hard or chewy foods (such as popcorn, jerky, tough meats, chewy breads, … that cause your jaws to work overtime. Choose softer foods that are easy to chew, such as eggs, casseroles, … and may help relieve your jaw pain. Avoid hard or chewy foods (such as popcorn, jerky, tough meats, chewy breads, …
Health topics
… and eat meals. But eating regularly and eating healthy foods is important. That's because food: Provides your body … making changes in what you eat. Make eating easier. Choose foods that are easy to prepare. Eat in a relaxed setting. … bloating that makes it hard to breathe, limit the amount of foods you eat that cause gas. These foods include onions, …
Health topics
… botulism can be caused by eating contaminated home-canned foods that have a low acid content, such as asparagus, green … examination and ask you questions about your symptoms and foods you have recently eaten. The best way to be sure of … it? Food-borne botulism often comes from home-canned foods. You can prevent botulism by following strict …
Health topics
… that regularly eat meals together tend to eat healthier foods and be closer to a healthy weight than those who … on everyone's part. It may mean eating less of some foods and more of others. If what you eat is different from … kitchen may help you stay with your eating plan. Put away foods that you don't want to eat so that they are out of …
Health topics
Health features
… choose from. Here are some ideas for adding new healthful foods to your holiday table: Serve a new vegetable or fruit …
… of uterine fibroids, leuprolide is usually given with iron to help improve anemia that is caused by too much … of uterine fibroids, leuprolide is usually given with iron to help improve anemia that is caused by too much …
… of uterine fibroids, leuprolide is usually given with iron to help improve anemia that is caused by too much … of uterine fibroids, leuprolide is usually given with iron to help improve anemia that is caused by too much …