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2124 results found
… of uterine fibroids, leuprolide is usually given with iron to help improve anemia that is caused by too much … of uterine fibroids, leuprolide is usually given with iron to help improve anemia that is caused by too much …
… of uterine fibroids, leuprolide is usually given with iron to help improve anemia that is caused by too much … of uterine fibroids, leuprolide is usually given with iron to help improve anemia that is caused by too much …
… and do not lie down for at least 30 minutes. Calcium or iron supplements, vitamins that contain minerals, and … and do not lie down for at least 30 minutes. Calcium or iron supplements, vitamins that contain minerals, and …
Medical tests
… Platelets. High platelet values may be seen with bleeding, iron deficiency, some diseases like cancer, or problems with … Platelets. High platelet values may be seen with bleeding, iron deficiency, some diseases like cancer, or problems with …
Health topics
… groups. These include vegetables and fruits, whole grain foods, and protein foods, like meat, fish, poultry, beans, and tofu. They pack … of your plate like it has 4 parts: 1 part for whole grain foods, 2 parts for vegetables and fruits, and 1 part for …
Health topics
… a part of protein. Phenylalanine is present in all protein foods and in some non-protein foods, such as soda pop and sugar substitutes. PKU diets typically do not contain high-protein foods such as: Meat, eggs, and fish. Nuts, peas, and beans …
Health topics
… child's job is to choose how much he or she will eat of the foods you serve. Your child even gets to decide whether to … calories that they take in and burn off. Remember that all foods, even less nutritious foods in small amounts, can fit into a healthy diet. Do not …
HealthLinkBC files
… and farm animals. During food preparation, contaminated foods can transmit bacteria to other foods or surfaces in the kitchen. This is called … for others. To handle and prepare food safely: Refrigerate foods right away. Keep raw meat well wrapped and on lower …
Health topics
… you lie down. Late-night snacks aren't a good idea. Avoid foods that make your symptoms worse. These may include chocolate, mint, alcohol, pepper, spicy foods, high-fat foods, or drinks with caffeine in them, such as tea, coffee, …
Healthy eating
… Enjoy a healthy diet that includes a wide variety of foods. Eat higher fibre foods often Fibre may help prevent diverticula (sacs or … brown rice, oats and bran cereals. Add higher fibre foods slowly and a little at a time. Adding too much fibre …